I don’t even know where to start with this, basically my stepsister Ellie wants to fuck me and I’m not comfortable with that. She’s flashed me, put her hands on my thigh, and today when I walked into my stepmom’s house she was wearing a short dress, no underwear/bra (she made sure to tell me), and kept on bending over in front of me.

We were on vacation with the rest of the family last summer and we had to share a room, I woke up in the middle of the night with her naked under my sheets sleeping with me because she “couldn’t sleep” and she had been talking about breaking up with her boyfriend all that trip (which she ended up doing)

Like don’t get me wrong, she’s beautiful and if it weren’t for our relationship then I would have said yes, but she’s my stepsister, it’s just weird.

How can I tell her to stop without hurting her or my relationship with her? I mean it’s constant and I’ve told her I’m not comfortable with it.

TLDR: My stepsister wants to fuck me but I don’t want to fuck her because of our relationship

  1. Whatever you do, don’t get yourself stuck in the washing machine or under a coffee table.

  2. Literally how you’ve written it here is fine. She needs to learn your boundaries and consent

  3. If you play “sweet home Alabama” while you fuck your stepsister, it doesn’t count

  4. Oh come on, it’s your STEP sister. It’s only weird if you make it weird

    Given that you are of similar age, and above the age of consent.

  5. Seems you want to keep your morals in tact.

    But …. she’s not you blood sister. She a girl you grew up with in the same house.

    She wants to play, so play. But if i5s going to screw you up. Then tell her.

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