If you could change one thing about your penis what would it be?

  1. No need. My girl’s happy with it, and that also means I’m even happier with it than I was before.

  2. I’d get rid of that friction burn.

    (Too much masturbation)
    Yeah, not on my best moment right now…

  3. I’d like to be able to cum, but have the ability to hold back my sperm, so, no unwanted pregnancies.

  4. Glow in the dark would be pretty cool.

    Not so bright that it glows through my pants though.

  5. I want it to be able to shoot out a laser capable of cutting steel. It should be controllable and NOT like Cyclops from the xmen.

  6. Only 1? Then it would have to be : lengthgrithrecoverytimeeasyerectionlastinglonger.

  7. I’d like someone to interact with it without it being a road trip to Vegas and a transaction.

  8. I already have a smiley face tattooed on the tip, so I guess: nothing.

  9. Nothing, it’s like one of the few parts of my body I’m happy with. I’ve been told it’s a designer penis.

  10. I always change my mind so I’d like to have a shapeshifter dick that fits my desire and the receiver will to stretch.

  11. I have a condition that makes it incredibly painful to cum, urinate, pretty much do anything with my dick. It’s awful, really changed a lot about my life and how I do run of the mill things. So, naturally, I’d want to add three inches.


  12. I’d like it to be prehensile, like an elephants, so that I can control its movements, maybe even use it to hold things

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