Whenever I’m talking to people on some random topics, I feel so exhausted like I don’t even have the energy to open my mouth. It feels like someone sucked all my energy out. I don’t know why it happens. But if I’m discussing with someone about something which I have high interest in, I can just go on and on about that stuff with excitement and full of energy. This is why I struggle with small talk. Just hardly 2 mins of conversation and then silence. I feel like why are we even talking. My brain keeps of hinting that this conversation is too boring, lets check out. This is why I’m scared of dating. I’ll never be successful in dates because I’ll get hella bored except if the other person matches my interests. But despite that, a little small talk is needed first in dates which I can’t handle. I’m more like a person who likes some different domains and like to brainstorm something on that. Other than that, I’m quiet. I like to go out but I don’t like to talk. So people always say that why am I so quiet. People think that I don’t talk or I’m some sort of a weirdo. But I’m a normal person just like others but am not interested in talking about the random topics. Ahhh. I think I’m explaining things over and over. Although, I insert random jokes in conversations related to what others around me are talking and thats it. I guess I’ll be single forever because even if I reach out a woman, I don’t know what to talk about and hold conversation unless she matches my interests. But that sort of a person is quite hard to find. I’ve tried small talking with people but everytime it ends up in silence and then we part ways. In every friend circle I ever had, I’m the quietest person in the entire group.

1 comment
  1. Lmao yeah man i hate small talk. Im super introverted but when i go out, usually drinking and taking a touch of adderall or even just some caffeine like a redbull brings me out of my shell. Makes me much happier in social environments which in turn just helps me naturally flow in conversation better. My problem is, being able to act like that in a professional way. Using this personality for me when out at bars works, but not if I’m trying to get an interviewer or coworkers to like me. Without alcohol or being in a drinking setting, idk how to come off as anything but a monotone robot who just wants to bang out work and go home. I see making chit chat with interviewers and coworkers to be pointless and i dont know how to present myself as interesting in a professional environment that has so many strict social rules on whats appropriate or not.

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