Do you dip them in coffee or serve them some other way?

  1. I mean, often the quantity of espresso coffee in the cup is so scant that if you dip the croissant into it, it could really happen that nothing would be left into the cup. Besides, I don’t really like pieces of croissant in the coffee, so I eat it just like it is. My favourite filling is cream.

  2. With jam, I don’t know if that’s blasphemy in France. Or else just plain.

    Dipping them in the coffee wouldn’t be for me. I wouldn’t like the soggy pastry texture.

  3. I eat them without anything, with strawberry jam or with Nutella. I don’t dip them in anything, but I prefer to eat them together with coffee.

  4. Cut it in two, horizontally, and put a slice of Dutch cheese on it. Blasphemy? 😉

  5. In Portugal we have [our own version]( of the croissant made with brioche dough and sugar glazing which is more popular, but the “normal” one is also commonplace.

    We often eat them with no extra stuff, but both versions are popular with butter too. For the Portuguese version, it’s also very common to fill it with cheese and/or ham, and sometimes toast it in a panini maker.

  6. These buns have a strong butter flavor and can be eaten without anything else. I would bite and wash it down with coffee. Never dip into the coffee, which is a method of eating old hardened cookies.

  7. In italy we call them cornetto or brioche the nord, even if it’s not a french brioche, it’s a variant from the original austrians like the french croissant is. We eat it with jam, chocolate, empty or with cream

  8. Personally I like to sometimes cut them in half and spread first some butter in it and then some jam

  9. Just plain, it’s already so buttery that it doesn’t need any extra taste IMO.
    If I have a large cup/bowl of coffee I like to dip the croissant quickly in it just to coat it but that’s personal preference and I don’t really drink huge cup/bowl of coffee anymore anyways.
    Works with chocolate bowl as well, I loved it as a child

    Edit : Forgot to add you can have a main course with croissant filled with cheese and ham, it’s pretty good

  10. I usually eat mine just plain, but a lot of people eat them with butter and jam.

  11. sometimes plain, sometimes with jam and sometimes with nutella, depends on the mood

  12. I dip them into my hot chocolate. But if it’s a real good croissant, I eat it plain. I start with the middle, and tear it apart gently. The crispy ends are the best so I eat them last.

    If it’s a not so good croissant, I cut it in half, slap Nutella in it and eat it. I may do that with good croissants too if I’m in the mood.

    I’m not speaking for my fellow Frenchmen though.

  13. Filled with nougat creme. I buy those in the bakery section of Aldi and Rewe.

  14. I don’t like dipping them. It makes them less flakey and crispy.

    Here they’re often already made filled with jam or chocolate. If I get them plain, I eat them just like that or I spread jam on them. Usually apricot or strawberry.

  15. Hmmm… filled with chocolate once in a blue moon. It is not breakfast food here as our breakfasts tend to be more substantial than that. We eat croissants the way we would eat a donut, as a dessert.

  16. I stick one into my open mouth and take a bite. Plain, if you wanted that kind of info.

  17. I usually eat them plain. I don’t dip them in anything, I don’t put anything on them. At most I’ll drink yogurt with it.

    Plain, as in I don’t prepare them in any way. I’ll sometimes get ones with some filling, like chocolate.

  18. Here you can find packaged croissants in supermarkets that come with many fillings (the most common one is chocolate, and then vanilla, cherry jam, apple jam, I’ve also seen Oreo filling.)

    There are also croissants in bakeries that also can come plain or with chocolate filling etc

    Edit: Most people eat them by themselves as a snack

  19. I like to slice them open and put Frischkäse (Cream Cheese with herbs) and prosciutto on them

  20. Filled with Nutella, or custard, or tiramisu cream or cappuccino cream or actually any type of cream/jam they have filled it at the bar where I’m having breakfast.
    I don’t dip it in coffee or cappuccino because I don’t like pieces of it floating on the beverage.

  21. Sometimes i cut them in half, spread them with butter and top with cooked ham and gouda cheese.

  22. 90% of the time, just plain! sometimes ill cut it open (but not entirely) and put a slice of cheese on there, maybe some pesto, but plain is good enough on its own!

  23. I like them hot out of the oven, adding a bit of cold butter that melts on it while you eat it.

  24. I like them hot out of the oven, adding a bit of cold butter that melts on it while you eat it.

  25. If I’m feeling particularly devil-may-care, they make a great bacon sandwich.

  26. Spain: Dipping them in Cola Cao chocolate milk.

    Cola Cao is an original Spanish cocoa powder product for instant chocolate milk. Originally produced with top quality cocoa brought from the Spanish African province of Guinea.

    Multiple generations of Spanish citizens have been raised drinking tons of colacao and singing the then catchy but currently politically incorrect adverisement song of happy negroes collecting cocoa.

    Think about Nesquik but a thousand times better. A trillion times better.

  27. I think most commonly we eat them filled with chocolate (i.e. nutella usually) or jam. If they’re plain, we cut it length wise and fill it with jam (especially at breakfast buffets). I personally love to dip a plain croissant into my coffee.

  28. Toasted with cheese and tomato, cheese is changeable with mood and slathered in irish butter.

  29. I cut them in half, put Butter on them and then put ham and cheese inside.

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