My logic may be at fault here so please do correct me, but a lot of guys do not realise that they have great potential to be the rarity and the desired in the world of relationships.

What percentage of women fit men’s standards? Well men generally prefer feminine younger women, average looks, bubbly personality etc. That’s probably 20-30% of women you’d come across in normal life. Perhaps more

Women however, prefer men to be 6ft+, confident, high salary, – top few percent of earners – living in the UK that’d be around £100k+ salary. Almost all women’s preference is 5%, probably less, of men. And as a result those men get a LOT of “traffic” and options. Most men who do not fit these standard do not get a chance unless they get lucky.

As a man, it’s possible to fit into that top bracket and be exclusively desired, because even if you may not be 6ft plus, we all know “good” women are not as superficial to have that as a major factors. Why’d you want one of those promiscuous girls who have been run through 50 times anyway?
As a man, I feel the cheat code is to detach yourself from looking for these pointless fling type relationships and validation at a stage where you are not in that top few percent, because that will only bring you down, they will only leave you. It’ll be hard and lonely but which successful guy hasn’t gone through that at some point? That’s just how it is for guys.
Most importantly, try to get to that top bracket through work, self improvement etc and then life will treat you better. You don’t HAVE to be attractive and tall to be seen as an option. It’s easier of course, but we all see less attractive men with nice women.

And yeah, I am aware motivating yourself to get up and work to be in that top bracket is probably the most challenging hurdle.

I rushed through writing this so it is probably a bad read but I hope my point is clear? does anyone have thoughts about what I’ve said?

  1. Trust me salary and height doesn’t matter. I am doing well in both terms but I have no luck with women because of my social skills and I am introvert.

  2. can people explain why they disagree and are downvoting? I’m very willing to have my opinion changed if I’m wrong 👍

  3. I think you are way oversimplifying things and focusing on the wrong ones.

  4. You are a superficial person who desires other superficial people. You deserve however little attention you get

  5. I’m reading your post history and it’s pretty clear a lot of these insecurities you have come from “facts” you’ve learned via the toxic doldrums of the internet. Nothing you’re saying is new. So here’s my rebuttal.

    The ideas you’ve learned come from the extremes of how people think. They’re just squeaky wheels that get a lot of grease. Because the internet popularizes extreme ideas. You’ve been had by toxicity. Still, your in the cusp of realizing how futile this kind of categorization is, but you still miss the mark. Because, well, you don’t know any better. You lack experience and you allow others to impart their own on you as a substitute. But that’s not how this works.

    Think about the women you’ve been attracted to. Do they all fit the conventional model archetype? Have they always had the requirements you spelled out? Of course not. So what makes you think that’s true for women? Because an incel on a forum that’s never talked to a woman told you so? In the real world, ideals are not requirements, and people are way WAY more flexible when a good thing comes around. I mean, hell, what even is an “ideal” woman? Can you REALLY pick out all of these attributes the way you think people do? Is a numerical rating even accurate? No, people are massively complicated, and that’s insane.

    I’ll be slightly contrarian though, because self improvement provides options but not peace. Even with personal growth and the additional options that come with that, you may not achieve the solace you’re looking for. You HAVE to learn to be okay with who you are. And, bud, if your post history has told me anything, you are not.

    The work you need to do is two-fold. You have to do things that others find more appealing, and find a way to view yourself in a more appealing light. In the balance of this, you need to be true to yourself. Do things you love, for you, and share it with the world. If you’re really invested in being ambitious and interesting, the attention from others will come.

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