Me (F22) Whenever i have sex i get that intense need of peeing so i stop and pee.. does this mean im close to cumming or squirting? Please explain

  1. Been wondering the same… Honestly I think for me it’s just peing sensarion, he probably touches my urethral opening which irritates it.

  2. I’m a male so I can’t explain or speak from experience, but what i can say from my point of view is just let it go.. Whether you call it peeing or squirting nearly every man will love it.

    I mean let it go during sex, not get up and go.

  3. Everyone’s orgasms are different so it can be yes it can be no. I say just pee before sex. If you still feel like that then you may be a squirter. Which imo is really hot. But that doesn’t mean you will squirt if you orgasm. It can also just be your muscles making your bladder feel like you need to go but once your orgasm you won’t have to pee anymore. Although peeing after sex is a good idea to avoid uti.

  4. I kind of also wonder that, because I usually stop mid sex to go pee
    And my partner has never minded. But there’s sometimes where I pee immediately and I wonder if that’s more up the alley of squirting? Because then there’s times where I struggle to pee because I’m so aroused, and that’s normal. That makes sense.

    Id say pee if you feel like that maybe? Then go back into worry free. (Unless you want to squirt, then ignore the pee feeling – it’s really hard I know ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…)

  5. I have not practical experience with this, because I am a penis owner. But from what I gathered from my time on the internet, I’d say you are indeed close to cumming/squirting.

    Have you talked to your partner about this? Because the easiest way to find out is simply not to stop. If you indeed have to pee, you guys might have a bit of a cleanup and a bit of embarrassment. If you are indeed close to cumming/squirting however, you’ll open up a whole new world of pleasure…

    All I’m saying that if I were your partner, I’d be totally down to try

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