For someone who is starting to learn how to cook – What are great foods for beginners to make?

  1. Homemade macaroni and cheese
    Homemade biscuit with homemade gravy
    Properly season tacos
    Homemade pizzas

    All of these things are easy to learn, and for beginners

  2. Personally, I think spaghetti is a good experimental food to learn with. You can cook up meat/garlic/onions to add the sauce to, you can experiment with spices, you can make your own sauce or use store bought.

    Other fun food that is just throwing things together and experimenting is maybe tacos, chicken salad, breakfast casserole, or fried rice.

  3. I love my crock-pot. There are lots of recipes online that are quick and very easy to follow.

  4. Just gonna list a few easy sides / add ons that make meals complete-
    • Rice
    •Frozen veggies (my freezer is full of frozen veggies! They complete a meal and don’t go bad 3 days after you bring them home lol)
    •Mashed potatoes. I always have instant mash but I prefer to make it myself. I just always have instant at home for when I’m in a pinch and don’t have time / potatoes / stove space, etc
    • pasta. And for the sauce, I like getting those cheap canned ones- heat it on the stove and add your own seasonings to it. Add a little bit of honey to it to get rid of some of that acidity. Add some ground meat to it if you’d like too!
    • you can buy frozen garlic, ginger, etc. and it’s cubed!

    Now you just need to add in protein, and mix and match it with the above. And there’s a complete meal! I sometimes cook my frozen veggies in the same pan I cooked the meat in- it adds flavor

  5. Pasta salad – just cook some pasta and toss it with whatever you have on hand. The more you make it, the more you’ll be able to know what flavour profiles work well together and the better flair you’ll have when it comes to cooking. Plus, all the cutting/cooking/sauteeing of vegetables will practice your skills.

  6. I started cooking few months ago. I went with Hello Fresh cooking boxes. You learn cooking as you go, it’s easy. I even evolved some own recipes now, allowing me to cook some good noodles with few ingredients and make the best burgers I’ve ever ate.

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