I recently had sex with a guy younger than me. He’s 26 and I’m 31. I’m very insecure about my c section scar and stretch marks. The two times we’ve had sex I’ve worn lingerie. He wanted me to take it off but I didn’t want him to get scared or turned off. Do guys think about that? I’ve told him before he’s younger and he can have sex with girls his age who haven’t had kids. He also ate me out for the first time and I don’t know if he’s going to want to hook up with me again. Am I over thinking this? Should I wait until he messages me? I don’t know,

  1. Well I can’t exactly know how he will react, but if he is a decent person the stretch marks won’t be a issue

  2. I personally find stretch marks really cute and hot. Probably just tell him I guess

  3. Boys care about it. Men don’t. Men realize that life happens…and 5 years really is nothing….even at 26/31. He wants you naked, because naked is best. Good luck…

  4. Many guys (including me) thinks c section scar is very sexy but most won’t care about it. But I understand you may feel insecure about it. I bet he won’t care about it

  5. You’re overthinking it. He ate you up. He went out with you. He’s into you. Reminding him he could date somebody else is not attractive. Being sexy and confident in your own body is attractive.

  6. Most of the time, once you’re in the process of getting naked, your partner is unlikely to say or think anything about your stretch marks. Guys do think about it (in my [M]y experience), but they also don’t care too much

  7. I love stretch marks, I love the extra weight and the c section scars. It makes u a mom it makes u the milf and it fulfills that fantasy. You just feeling insecure and that’s normal. Don’t let it take over ur fun. He’s there for you he wants u and desires u.

  8. You are way overthinking this. He is obviously into you and isn’t going to care.

  9. My GF has a c section scar and she is insecure about it. To be honest I don’t notice it nor do I care that it’s there.

  10. You are very much overthinking it.

    Just enjoy that you found someone you like, and who seems to like you. He obviously finds you attractive. Why worry?

  11. You are overthinking it. I am married to a woman with a larger age difference than you two. Stretch marks and c-section didn’t affect our sex life in any way, in fact it’s way more fun now and we do it more often than in the beginning.

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