What type of body do you prefer your partner to have?

  1. I honestly don’t care. As long as they can enjoy things and adventure with me without keeling over

  2. Clean. Idc about body type as long as they don’t seem like they’ll die during sex. This is just a guess, but men seem to be as brainwashed about only improving glamor muscles while ignoring overall health as we sometimes are.

  3. As healthy as possible. My partner and I both have chronic conditions that decrease life quality, so it’s important that both of us take care of ourselves.

    As far as appearance goes, I’ve noticed that my preference changes as he does. That hadn’t happened with previous partners. I used to prefer really lanky guys, but then came Him. When he’s in a working out phase, I like muscles. When he’s gained a bit of weight, I like how soft he is and the way we fit a little better while spooning. When he’s lost weight, I love how something simple like jeans and a black t-shirt can make him look like the lead romantic interest of a hallmark movie.

  4. I like the lanky boys. Not necessarily tall, if they are it doesn’t matter. Neither does it if they’re short. I don’t know why, but it’s lanky for me

  5. I prefer my bf’s soft body but I wouldn’t care if he ended up dropping pounds as he wants to, but I’d miss the softness and warmth, ngl. 😂

  6. I’ve been with skinny girls. Also been with more chubby girls. I think I really just care about the person and have no preference in body size unless it’s to a morbid point

  7. Kinda athletic maybe. Or fit I guess is the right word. I don’t care if they’re super muscular or not, I just find healthy men the most attractive.

  8. I like the bulky/muscular type, like dad bod with a little spice. I do not prefer men who are totally shredded or super skinny

  9. On the thinner side, not too big or muscular. Not too hairy…that’s just my preference. I’m sure there are many women who like the opposite of what I said! Everyone is different, and of course personality is most important and can make body type almost irrelevant.

  10. One that smells goooood, I like people of all shapes and sizes so long as someone has good hygiene, idc.

  11. Alive, covered in skin, washed and covered with good smelling stuffs. The usual.

  12. I like men that are build like bears. Big, tall, strong, and a little hair is ok. I like feeling protected and safe and sometimes I wanna just climb him like a tree. (I’m 5’10 so the taller the better)

  13. ‘Buff’ dad bod 😍 not gym rat buff, but I like a little bulk in the shoulders especially. I am not attracted to shredded and ultra low body fat.

  14. Healthy, if this means a little bit or chub or a six pack I don’t mind. So long as I can look at my partner and know we can go on adventures together and they’re going to be around for a long time without complications I’m happy.

    Also obv want a partner that looks after themselves, if they have like serious body odour without medical cause or don’t look after themselves then I’m not attracted

  15. Interesting how multiple women are saying they don’t find really muscular guys attractive. Hmm…I think they can be attractive and look good in their clothes but I can sort of understand the turn-off. I don’t see a man like that as relationship material. I’d assume he’s all about getting laid and wouldn’t be content settling with just one woman, especially if he has lots of options. I would also feel the pressure to always have to keep up with him as far as my fitness level is concerned.

    So taller than me with an average to somewhat overweight body is fine.

  16. Built like a brick shit house, whether muscly or more stalky, thick thighs and ass, and the more body hair, the better.

  17. I love lanky fellas so much. Is it comfortable a lot of the time? No. Can I wrap myself around ever inch of that flag pole? Absolutely.

  18. For a partner, body type is less important than personality, cleanliness, yada yada, but if we’re going purely off looks:

    For women, I like curves, women who are a little chubby or toned in a curvy way if that makes sense.

    For men… it’s fat guys. Anywhere from chubby to 3/400 pounds. I have nothing to say I my defense except I just like tits and a big ass and my brain is apparently not selective to context

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