Please list items that you pack when you go for a night or two to a hookup at someones place?

  1. snacks

    Edit to add: a house/host gift that’s something I’d want to eat bc it’s just polite and then I know for sure there’s something there to eat; I travel a lot regardless so any travel bag always has nuts, a protein bar, something sugary. You never know.

  2. for staying one night i usually pack a toothbrush, comb, deodorant, chapstick. i shower right before i go and i don’t bring a change of clothes because i always end up sleeping in his. in the morning i put the clothes i came over in back on and leave (get up pretty early and never get breakfast or anything). once or two odd times i’d bring a pair of pants and a shirt but otherwise i just keep it to basic hygiene products since i’m only going to be there for the night.

    if i was staying two nights i’d bring extra clothes/underwear but i usually keep the bag in the car until i need it

    EDIT: i also bring lotion lol

  3. Tooth brush, change of clothes, rx meds taken daily, changeSSS of underwear (especially if you are doing the dirty multiple times) phone charger.
    It also depends on how cleanly the “other” is. Do they have clean towels to wash your body/face?

  4. Toys (as I would want mine to be used for hygiene) a towel, toothbrush, some undies a nightgown some other day clothes and meds, phone charger

  5. Toothbrush, deodorant, change of clothes (like a tshirt and leggings that I can wear overnight and/or home the next day), change of undies, nightly medications, phone charger, a scrunchie for tying up my hair overnight, a lube I know I’m not allergic to, and a couple intimate wipes for freshening up.

    If it was going to be two nights, I’d also bring travel size shampoo and conditioner, because my curly hair is too boujee to take a gamble on someone else’s bath products.

  6. Change of clothes, toothbrush and floss, my essential skincare, tampons, bottle of wine, phone charger, and medication. Also some snacks for us to eat

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