I (28f) met her (39f) working for a small boutique together. She instantly started latching into me, speaking to me about life and giving unsolicited advice. I thought maybe she’s doing this for my own good and I don’t see it. I quit that job a month ago and now she’s constantly texting me about her life, she likes to complain about her family, about coworkers and, again gives me unsolicited advice. She once suggested we should visit a botanical garden together and I said sure let’s do that. We’re meant to go this coming Sunday and she was meant to buy the tickets for us today. Throughout the day today she’s been constantly messaging me about how unwell she feels, how unwell her family makes her feel and I feel no empathy for her so all I say is “okay so do you want me to buy the tickets instead?” She says “that would be amazing darling” then proceeds to complain. And now she has sent me another 8 messages about her shitty life and I just don’t know how to deal. I almost feel like not buying the tickets and just ignore her forever. She has called me a few times and I haven’t picked up because I know all she will do is complain. What do you guys think? Should I just ghost her miserable azz? I’m also a bit concerned about the fact that she knows where I currently work.

TLDR: friend from previous job is starting to become annoying because she just complains all the time and doesn’t do the things she says she will.

  1. I had a friend like that… had is the keyword here.

    Honestly, if the negativity and behaviour is tiring and getting to you, making you feel negative, unappreciated, etc etc… it’s time to end the friendship. Your own mental well-being, taking care of yourself, etc is more important than someone unwilling to help themselves.

    Maybe don’t ghost but explain why you are ending the friendship. And then if she doesn’t understand, just block her.

  2. People like this are energy vampires – I think you might want to just tell her that her constant negatively is putting a damper on your friendship and you need a break.

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