how have you gotten over feeling in love with an ex who treated you like dirt?

  1. All things pass. Think about what caused her to be this way. Then be glad you don’t have to deal with it anymore.

  2. Learning to respect myself. I’m worth more than someone treating me like dirt. Therefore this person no longer has a hold on me. And I can move on, better myself for me…and so when someone worth it comes along, I can also be the best version of me for them.

  3. As soon as someone treats me like dirt, I do not feel love for them anymore. Learn self respect.

  4. Honestly, I feel like you have to date again and try to find someone who is decent and caring and when you know it is possible and see it and feel it then you get over the idea of what the other person was and can really recognize the real them. Nature abhors a vacuum right… has to be filled.

  5. The shock of understanding the enormity of how badly I was being treated kind of muted most of the emotional connection I had to them. When someone treats me in such a way, I’m out. The love I had blinded me to what was going on, and so when I opened my eyes, the love vanished except for a few echoes.

  6. Time. Especially once she left, the amount of time I spent replaying bad memories I had of her. Thinking “why the hell did I let her do that to me”.

  7. She slept with a good friend of mine, we were already broken up. The anger helped a lot. That quickly subsided and so did the feelings. Just weird when you already hear from the grapevine that they’re seeing each other and then they each individually call you and say, “hey there’s something I’ve been meaning to talk to you about.”

  8. I didn’t. It’s still down in the basement. I moved on with someone that openly and honestly loves me. That helped.

  9. I’m a spiteful guy who admittedly doesn’t forgive and forget. Years ago when I did get a feeling for her very rarely; I would just remember all the shit she did and then it wasn’t a problem.

  10. I got under someone else 🤷🏻‍♀️

    I’m only kind of joking. I was in a 12 year mentally and emotionally abusive relationship (I got out focus on that) and a few months later I missed sex, so I met a guy. We agreed to be casual.

    6 years later (actually on the 29th of this month is when we started speaking!) I’m happily married, and treated like I’m a person, a princess even. (With all the amazing little things he does for me)

  11. Completely removing them from my life. I know if we were ever friends again, my mental health would certainly decline, and so I’ve vowed never to answer if he ever reaches out again.

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