Excuse my mediocre English.

I’m meeting with my tattoo artist for the first time and, since I don’t drink coffee, I wanted to bring them bubble tea.

I thought about sending a message like “Quick question, do you like bubble tea? Heading to a shop before I come to the studio so I’d like to bring you one. Also, what kind?”

But now I’m doubting myself. Is it too familiar for a first meeting? Is bubble tea a stupid gift? Since I’m getting it for myself either way I just thought it’d be nice to get them one too.

Please help. I have negative social skills and just need some reassurance.

  1. I don’t think you need to, or even should bring a gift for the first meeting. My understanding is that people bring them gifts if they are regular customers and they have gotten to know the artist.
    Especially bringing an open drink can be a bit offputting… tbh, if a stranger brought me an open drink, I’d be suspicious of the drink.

    If you really really really want to bring something, bring a closed box of chocolates or something.
    But tbh, you’re paying them. You are not REQUIRED to bring extra gifts. You can do so next time if you liked them on a more personal level.
    You don’t bring gifts to a new hair salon either, do you?

  2. I wouldn’t. You don’t need to give gifts on the first meeting, especially since they are just your tattoo artist, not your friend necessarily.

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