So I’m a 21M and my friend is about the same age. He’s a newer friend to the group, pretty tough guy has been through a lot and comes from bad places. Trust me he’s not a bad guy but I’ve had many instances by now to where he will just pick and pick and pick. I’m not a big guy and I’m not a fighter but he always wants to fight to the point where it’s pressuring and annoying. I fully love and partake in ripping on each other in a friend group but he doesn’t stop. For example, almost always when we are drinking, hell come and give me a slap and I’ll do it back, not a bad deal, but he won’t ever stop he doesn’t ever draw the line. Another time he put a knife to my leg and joked about pushing it in which was intense and really pissed me off. Another time he almost started a fight with 3 different people in the group including me after he burnt a cig on my leg just to poke the bear. Despite loving ripping on each other he goes too far and I don’t even want to be around him anymore. He has apologized but he never really stops. Many of our friends at this point have talked about it but since I’m a shit talker and a smaller guy I’m an easier target I believe. It’s tough because I do like him sometimes he’s not all bad and he’s friends with all my friends. But despite being a shit talker at the end of the day I have my soft side and I like good chill friends. I’m just not sure how to go about this

  1. Trust you he’s not a bad guy? No, I’m going to go ahead and not trust you on that. His behavior isn’t even remotely acceptable.

    Close friends certainly rib each other. They don’t annoy their friends relentlessly and initiate physical assault.

    You can try to defend being soft all day. This isn’t normal. Distance yourself.

  2. Not a bad guy? Seriously? Dump him as your friend. Having bad apples around will spoil the entire bunch. Don’t get dragged down by him.

  3. It is somewhat true when you hear the saying, “you become like the people and friends around you.” Look around you, if you don’t like what you’re seeing it’s time to find new friends. One quality friend is worth more than a dozen fake friends.

  4. Tell him you wanna have a real talk and if he got a problem you’re willing to fight it out. Doesn’t matter if you lose, he’ll respect you after.

    This is really bad advice if you’re a complete skinny nerd btw

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