I have a friend who messages me things that come across as self destructive and not entirely heathy. I understand where they have come from because I was there not too long ago. I feel really bad but it’s weighing me down and I dislike talking to them now because everytime I try to help they are in denial about it and discredit everything I say but then say “glad it worked for you”. Im probably the asshole in this situation but it feels really fake just laughing and agreeing with their messages. I’m trying to tolerate it but it’s just depressing. Maybe this is because I see my past self in him and I don’t see it as sustainable. Anyway he’s a good mate and I would hate to just cut him off but it’s kinda sucking my will to socialize with him. Is there a way to ask him to keep these things to himself if he doesn’t want advice?

1 comment
  1. Just tell him. You need this to protect yourself.

    You can do this accompanied by proposing him to seek hp, where you can support. But you are not his mental trash in.

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