I was planning to take a week alone, to just lay in the sun in Cancun, sometime in August. One female friend of a friend of a friend suggested she’d come and be my FWB if I cover her expenses. I thought I’d think about it, but now, I’m just curious: is this something that’s done? Are there others with experiences like that?

  1. Never heard anything like it. But come on? Sounds like a pretty fucking good trip. But also, since you’d be paying for her expenses, you’re pretty much paying for sex…

  2. Sex exchanged for a free holiday? If that works for you and her then why not?

    My only tiny issue is… how well do you know her? What if she turns out to be a pain in the arse and destroys your holiday?

  3. Yes it happens. You get a fwb and she gets a paid vacation. It’s transactional relationship but it does happen.

  4. You should be careful of taking people across international borders with the intent of exchanging sex for goods or services

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