I keep seeing people saying they had sex on the first date. But I’m curious to know how much of stranger this person was. Definitely aiming this question more at women.

Was he random that ask your number from the street, you meet at a restaurant, talk for an hour, and bang at a hotel?

Or is there a backstory?

Because it this is, I feel like people are being disingenuous about having sex with strangers on the first date.

If you are having sex with complete strangers, then I applaud you for your bravey and making sex less relationship focus for this day and age, and allowing it to just be a fun activity now.

  1. The last three women partners I had sex with was within an hour of meeting them for the first time

  2. who the fuck meets at a restaurant?

    > then I applaud you for your bravey and making less relationship focus for this day and age

    Women have always had sex with strangers after a couple of hours of getting to know them. It’s not new and it doesn’t mean they are not looking for a relationship or ARE in a relationship at the moment. Casual sex, short term sex adventures with strangers are not in conflict with wanting a serious relationship and is not new for “this day and age”.

  3. I wonder what the speedrun world record is for least time between 1st contact and consensual intercourse. Would time be called at insertion or completion? I guess you’d have different categories. Obviously sex work like porn or prostitution is going to get lower times. I wonder what the fastest stranger hooking up with stranger is. They’d have to have at least some conversation to decide to do it and express consent. I can’t imagine that taking less that at least 5 minutes. I suppose private orgies or some seedy truck stop glory hole might be pretty fast. It’s wierd to think that there are probably two people on the planet who fucked within 30 seconds of meeting each other…

  4. The two more interesting scenarios I’ve had:

    Matched with a guy on tinder, he asked me out right away and we didn’t bother chatting, took him home about three hours after meeting, ended up dating for three months.

    Went out to dinner with a friend and her male friend who I had never met. Went home with him about five hours later, ended up in a relationship for nine years.

  5. What’s a complete stranger and what isn’t? You might not know each other’s entire life history, but you can have empathetic bonding in the moment.

    You can meet someone and get along really well and feel a very strong physical connection and just go for it. For most combinations of two people it’s pretty rare, but occasionally if you meet enough people and are open to it then it can very well happen. There’s a certain connection threshold and attraction needs to be there, and with the right person you can get over that pretty fast.

    I think my record is around 20-30 minutes, that was funny and we got along really well. Then I have several occasions of it happening after a 1 or a few hours, maybe one beer and then home.

  6. I matched with someone on bumble. Talked on IG for a few dates and we were on the same page about wanting to date seriously so we decided to meet. Met at a bar, chemistry was there and then the rest. I did get ghosted the next day though so my story ends short but hey that’s just how it happens 🤷🏾‍♀️

  7. I’ve had sex within hours of meeting a person. Some I never saw again, one of them I married.

  8. This happened recently.
    We matched on fb, talked for about a month. Met and were making out within 10mins lol… followed by a night of fun shenanigans.
    The connection was there, chemistry was there, felt right. It was a good time. No regrets. Still seeing eachother.

  9. I have met women with the intention of a casual hookup, and have gone on dates that led to sex, or sexual activity to completion (think blowjob) the first time I met them but after chatting over text and Snapchat for a week or so. I am now 28 and it’s very rare for me to have sex on the first date and I’m not really out looking for that casual hookup as much. I feel like most women who actually want to date will not put out the first date with some exceptions. That has been my experience, but of course kissing and some hand stuff usually occurs if they are interested.

    One thing that led me to be more careful is I was sexting a girl and jokingly asked if she was clean and she told me she had herpes but it wasn’t a big deal……so had I gone through with it and never asked I could have exposed myself. Not worth it anymore, I’m looking for a partner not fuck buddy anyways!

  10. Total stranger. Dated for two years . Still cool with each other .

  11. Had one night stand at a bar turn into 7 years. If I could go back and not be at that bar that night would strongly consider it.

  12. I had sex on the first date with my now boyfriend. We went to high school together but never interacted. We had been speaking for a few weeks before our first date.

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