I’ve (23F) been dating this wonderful man (27M) for two months now. After the first month, we decided to take things to the next level and we slept together. A few weeks after, we decided to talk about where this situation is going. Might be a bit soon for some, I suppose it is, but it’s good to know where you stand with each other after sex gets involved, no?

So he says to me that he does feel something for me, but it just isn’t quite “there” yet. And actually, I feel the same. We both make a conscious effort for each other. Now that I think about it, the way we act with each other is as if we were actually very much in love: we both like each other a great deal, and try to spend most of our free time with each other (he works 40h mon-fri, I work weekends and study), we tell each other how excited we are to see one another, we’re very comfortable with each other, have a great sex “life”, and… I don’t know, we just really listen and communicate very well and never get bored talking to each other. I’ve met some of his friends, we plan things in the future as if it’s the most normal thing ever. We really don’t want to discontinue seeing each other.

Yet… Those obsessive new relationship feelings are missing. Is it possible for them to develop and grow stronger later on? As I said: it’s not as if there aren’t *any* feelings at all. It’s not a friendship. Just not the crazy insane lovey dovey stuff you would’ve felt when you were 18. I don’t know. Haven’t been in love in 4 years.

I should add… We don’t text a lot as we’re both insanely busy. So we rely on real life for the relationship to develop. Y’know. Like in the old days. Hahaha. And he’s been away for two weeks in the past two months in which we haven’t seen each other (but did call). Did miss me. Did miss him. I want to *fall* for this man so badly.

I’m overthinking it. We’re both overthinking it. Reddit, help me?

1 comment
  1. With my past relationships my “love” feeling came a bit later. Dating is also a discovery phase imo. I started getting feelings then about a month or 2 in but for some it might come later.

    However when I have sex I almost instantly form a bond with that person. Tbh a relationship that rely on real life contact and not texting are most of the time much better than texting more. Go on a bit longer have some fun and if it doesn’t work out eventually then so be it right

    You should probably look forward and ask yourself do you see yourself with this person in the future? Is that something you would like?

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