Ok reddit, am I’m being totally stupid or just down for a good adventure?


I tried OLD for the first time and matched with this super attractive guy on hinge. We messaged through the app and I asked if he wanted to exchange numbers so we did. In his profile he put that he’s not big on texting so I offered a phone call. We had a three hour phone call Sunday and then a few more hours last night. I think I have good intuition (lawyer) and I’ve done some dumb shit but nothing ever went bad

I drink on rare occasion, and smoke weed on a slightly less rare occasion. He said he drinks maybe one a month, and doesn’t really smoke weed because it makes him paranoid

Last night i mentioned how I’ve had these mushrooms for over a year, my friend gave them to me, and I haven’t had anyone to do them with and don’t want to trip for the first time alone

He has a wedding to go to Saturday (rehearsal Friday) and asked to meet on Sunday. I was like, we could do those shrooms! Half joking. We talked more and more and were both like, fuck it, life is short, let’s do it! He then shared he’s actually very pro-psychedelics and does them about once a year. I brought it up first, so that puts me at ease

We’ve also talked about our jobs, families, lots of stuff. I told him, I’m sure as a guy this is different for you, and even though I have a good feeling, you’re still literally a stranger fe the internet. I asked him for his last name and birthdate, and I said “to be totally honest, I will run a background check on you.” And he said he’ll send me a copy of his license and photo of his truck and license plate number so I can send all of that to my friends

Our tentative plan to to go for a hike off the beaten path, find a peaceful place in the woods, and take the mushrooms. We’re gonna meet up in the morning because he said it lasts about 6 hours. I’m stoked. But also, am I being completely stupid and risky??


I was on a work trip and the train station I came into on my way home is in his city, so we decided to meet there. He brought some chairs, drinks, and we sat in the parking lot and talked for three hours. When I was leaving he asked if I’d like to get together again and I said absolutely and then he gave me a sweet, no-tongue kiss
I’m smitten and ready for the trippy date

  1. The fact that you are asking the question means you have doubts despite the background check. Go with your instincts. It is risky to be vulnerable with a stranger where you can’t get help.

    * What if you or he has a bad trip and you can’t get help?
    * What if he is a rapist and just hasn’t been caught?
    * what if he has poor character, gets angry amd leaves you out there?

    You are thinking from a criminal perspective, but failing to anticipate all the other ways you might be vulnerable in this situation.

  2. I think you’ll be fine, esp with all his info. Hell you could spokeo his number now if you wanted. Cell phones show everything so anyone stupid enough to bring a cellphone to commit a crime on someone else with a cell phone is dumb AF. Thats why most violent crimes are against strangers or someone very close to them.

    I prob wouldn’t trip on the first date since I don’t know that person, it could get awkward, or someone could have a bad trip… not to mention a lot of ppl puke on shrooms, which is awkward in itself first mtg. Last time I did them, I almost did, I felt sooo sick & hot & sweaty… but it eventually passed. Shrooms aren’t as trippy as LSD tho so you wont be completely out of your mind. It could end up being wonderful & amazing, you never know, this is why we take risks for that possibility :). Have fun!

  3. I think if you have any doubts at all you shouldn’t be tripping with this person. The first time you take hallucinogenics you should be with someone you trust, who is sober, in case you freak out so they can calm you down and look after you. And if you are at all worried about this person you’re probably more likely to have a bad trip. Keep it for a future date if the first date goes well.

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