To the unmarried men…plesse tell the truth…how much time do you spend with your child?

  1. I’m unmarried (have never been married), and don’t spend time with any childs (Don’t have none of those).

  2. I didn’t get married so I don’t have children and hope to keep it that way till the day I die.

  3. Why would be married or common-law impact how much time you are spending with your kid?

    Or are you talking unmarried men who are single parents?

  4. Divorced, 4 kids. They are getting older so starting to do their own things but my youngest,12, is with me full time and the 15 year old 50% b/c her friends are near her mom.

  5. Divorced – fifty fifty split. When they were little, single parenting was exhausting, and my ex and I would both drop them off at the other person’s house the minute our time was up. Now I would prefer to have them all the time, and I think she feels the same way.

  6. Are you trying to find a way to get out of the guilt you have for not spending any time with your kid?

  7. Every day when ever He (4) wants to hang out after school. I love my girlfriend,son and my life😁

  8. I’m married, spend most of my spare time with them.

    My unmarried friends? All but one of them spends as much time as they can with theirs. A few have sole custody of theirs.

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