Just looking for advice.

I am a 17 year old would hit 18 by December. Everyone of my batchmates are turning 18 every now and then. I’m not so aware about adulting, just blank literally. I’m an excellent student, introvert, level headed person but I cannot just find myself have clarity about what adulting is about.

  1. Basically it’s the process of learning how to be fully independent; financially, mentally and emotionally. This includes holding down a 9-5 job, paying rent, bills and taxes, organising social life, dating life and family events.

    It sucks.

  2. Adulting is recognizing that failure can sometimes ruin your life, and prioritizing *not* ruining your life over things that cause short term happiness. Like opening your mail when you know it’s just bills, or paying your bills when you know it’ll be harder to afford food, or fixing your diet because you’re getting fat and don’t want the risk of heart disease. You sometimes have to prioritize those long term goals despite the short term stress they cause.

    And related but not necessarily considered “adulting” is understanding how you best manage stress. Some people need to talk it out with a partner, some people need to sleep with a stuffed animal, some people do drugs. Find a way to manage your stress that doesn’t ruin your life, and stick with it.

  3. That word, “adulting” pisses me off so bad. It’s used by man-childs to make themselves seem like they’re doing want a grown man SHOULD be doing daily. Grow tf up, man up, stop “adulting”…

  4. Most of what I consider to be “Adulting“ is rooted in making and sticking to a plan to accomplish necessary and ambitious goals. Focusing on career progression, learning to meal prep, staying on top of your bills, making time for your lovers, friends, and family, etc. The better you get at planning and allocating time to accomplish things you need and want to accomplish, the easier being an adult is.

  5. Making enough money to support yourself to what you’d consider a reasonable standard of living. At a base level this includes food, shelter and other essentials.

    Having *some* idea of what you want to do. You don’t need anything set in stone, and taking a job just to pay the bills while you work towards a long term goal is totally fine. But start thinking about *some* things you may want whether it’s furthering your education in the future, what long-term careers you feel might be a good fit for you, etc.

    Prioritizing your own mental and physical health. The older you get the more people stop giving a shit. If you’re struggling, reach out. Don’t wait until you’re the 45 year old dude having a stress breakdown while stuck in traffic because you bottled it up. Surround yourself with good people who add value to your life and (*mostly*) have their shit together. Toxic people who’re deadbeats or don’t have your back will bring you down. Having a strong support network as an adult is *very* important.

    Prioritize your spending. You’re young and there’s nothing wrong with wasting a bit here and there on luxuries. It’s no fun to penny pinch constantly. That said, exercise good judgement. Don’t waste rent money to party hard with the boys.

    *Learn from your mistakes.* We all make mistakes, and 18 you’re going to make a lot more than you will at 38. It’s part of learning. It’s okay to fuck up, to say shit you don’t mean or completely drop the ball. The important thing is to take lessons from that, be accountable and try to avoid repeating it.

  6. First off don’t use that word. It isn’t some game that you play whenever you feel like it. As an adult, you are independent but that comes with responsibilities. Is the trade off worth it?

  7. Move out of your parents house, achieve financial independence, slowly learn and take responsibility over all the insurance/paperwork/etc that comes with being your own man, and eventually starting your own family. It might ruffle some feathers, but you’ll never really fully grow up until you’re in charge of a little one.

    Do this after graduation though, be in no rush. College is like limbo between childhood and adulthood.

  8. Firstly it’s being responsible for yourself and sometimes others feeling

    Second it’s not kind. It’s hard and tough a lot of the time so you need to be able to be as well

  9. No such thing as “adulting” unless you default to wearing a dinosaur onesie and act like a 12 year old that won’t leave their parent’s house and screams at the internet all day.

    Now, if you’re asking about growing up and being a member of society, then you just have more responsibilities (pay for your own stuff, taxes, insurance, taking care of those you love, etc.) Piece of advice – you’re going to die some day so make sure to treat everything the way you would like to be treated and live your life on your terms (preferably not in a dinosaur onesie).

  10. Adulting means playing lots of video games, staying up late, and eating ice cream whenever you want!

  11. lol, thats bc at 18 you’re not quite there. But it sounds like youre on the right track. “Adulting” is *perspective* the ability to see things from a context not always your own, and more importantly, tolerating it even if it’s not so pretty.

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