(m21) (f26). We tried anal just a few minutes ago. When we decided that was enough for now. I noticed her ass hole was covered in blood. I need to know If that’s normal for anal first timers. Or does she need to see a doc rn. Btw my dick had no blood coming from it.

  1. It is probably just an anal fissure which is usually a very small tear. They can be bad but not typically. She most likey wasn’t as relaxed as she needed to be. It sounds like next time you should make sure she is extra extra turned on and lubed up.

  2. Doctor first, it happens but yeah infection can be bad. Next time try using a plug to help train her butt, and take it super super super slow

  3. Don’t do anything today. Anal playtime is over, and that bleeding situation needs to be dealt with.

    But next time… I would first loosen her up with a lubed-up finger. “Train” her asshole to accept things inside it. Slowly pump it in and out a few times over several minutes.

    Then, after your finger is accepted, lube up your cock and gently work it in. DO NOT start pounding right away… slide it in and out a few times, as both you and she get used to the feeling.

    Once that part goes fine, you can think about pumping. I still think it should be somewhat slower than vaginal sex (unless she wants it that fast), but it’s something you can work out by mutual agreement.

    In any case, like in most things sexual, slow and steady wins the race!

  4. If she wasn’t in pain, it’s probably an internal hemorrhoid. If pain, you probably tore her mucosa a little. Either way it probably isn’t a big deal, but let it heal up for at least a couple weeks and if guy try it again, don’t lead with your dick- do some tongue, fingers, plugs, vibe. 90% of anal bleeding is from hemorrhoids.

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