I’ve just been reading about a woman who put period blood into her guy’s food to try to keep him in love with her…!


What is the strangest thing you’ve ever heard in regards to people trying to artificially keep someone in love with them?

  1. Period blood is the only one I’ve ever heard of. When first going out with a girl, don’t eat any food she makes with red sauce. No pasta, no parmigiana, nothing with a red sauce.

  2. Here, on my country, there’s a thing called “Amarres”, rituals-like stuff to get things, Job, Love, Money, etc.

    They most of time involves the photo of the person you want to affect, blood or more fluids and alot of weird stuff more.

  3. If a woman gives me food then I’m basically already in love with her. If it’s good food then x100000

  4. If hes hungry, feed hims! If he isnt hungry, then its a safe bet hes horny. So fuck him! I’m amazed women have not figured this out yet

  5. that chick is participating in a felony.

    I had a bunch of goth friends in high school and some of them converted into a part-time, bullshit wiccan thing.

    A lot of their spells required menstrual fluid and hair.

    in order to make the spell very personal and tailored to you, you have to put a little bit of yourself into it so it requires fingernail clippings or clippings of hair or even menstrual blood.

    if you wanna get nerdy, one of the most widespread accounts of menstrual fluid being used in spells was during the Salem witch hunt. it was noted in historical documents and also in that popular book, the crucible, that one of the women that helped with the revenge spells (witchcraft) put her own mental fluid into it.

    I think the Salem witch trials and that book, along with folklore, popularized the use of that particular ingredient in spell casting.

    dude, this is a weird question for askmen by the way

  6. marriage soup. the broth is made by the wife from some of her uhh vaginal juices… the thoght is that if he has it he wont stray into another womans bed because he has tasted his wife?

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