I’m really not here to judge, I’m wholly curious!
My boyfriend and I were talking about vore and I asked him what he thought the appeal was and he had no answer, so I figured I’d ask Reddit bc there’s so many different people with different likes here!
Not sure if this is the place to ask, but u read the rules and it seems alright lmao

  1. I’ve only seen vore porn depicted as swallowed whole. If there’s blood, it becomes gore. I would say it’s the sense of security like going back into the womb

  2. From what I’ve seen, it seems like the appeal of being eaten is being inside someone, under their domination, in a hot & humid environment, soft pressure from all sides, maybe covered in slime. From the perspective of being the one eating, it seems like the appeal is being full, having all of somebody inside you who has very little control of what’s happening, maybe they can move around a little inside & the eater can feel it. I have a friend who’s into it so I see the art they make/share some times so it might be specific to them/their circle.

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