So I dated a woman a couple times and she said she had very deep feelings and we were meant to be together. I thought ok, she’s great in many ways but this is alarming.

Couple weeks went by and I didn’t think her behavior matched her words. I noticed some narcissistic and manipulative traits, and definitely noped out of seeing her again over a very sus weekend alone with someone else.

I should be able to trust my intuition here, and this early in knowing someone is too soon to try and work on things. So I decided to slow fade, then stopped responding.

Now she’s still texting and I feel bad about not saying why I’m not interested but it’s bc I know that will lead to more of an issue than I should have to deal with. She knows I’m done.

Do I block her to not think about it anymore or deal with being lied to and gaslit?

1 comment
  1. If she knows you’re done and the two of you are now just engaging in friendly platonic chatter, then it’s up to you if you want to keep that going or not.

    You don’t have to but if you’re both good on it just being friendly, then just chat as if friends, is OK too.

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