Hey guys hope everyone is having great sex on this beautiful weekend.

I have a question and I’m seeking advice
I want to try this famous “ drunk sex “
But I never drink like that, I drink here and there on special occasions and so does my wife but we never drink to the point where we are all over each other like some of you claim.

We do have high sex though, medical marijuana does WONDERSSS

Now I want to try drunk sex, what do you guys recommend ?
What should we drink to get her all wet and saucy ?

  1. Drunk sex is fun but sloppy af. Just fyi. Have fun with it, but I would LOVE to hear about what you both end up ACTUALLY doing. You can have the best plan in place, but your drunk brains will have you going in the weirdest direction hahahaha

    A lot of stories will begin with “So for some reason, (s)he thought it’s be a good idea to …(insert the most random thing)”

  2. Just enjoy drinking what you enjoy drinking until you’re in a fun state.
    Edit: maybe try going out dancing or something to get the juices flowing

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