I didn’t know what to say to him, I just stayed there and stare at him.
I was totally shocked, I still can’t believe it that someone yelled at me like that and I couldn’t defend myself. My mind went blank and I was blaming myself the whole time that why I made him mad instead of defending myself.
I feel sorry for my self.
I’m 24 years old but I don’t have any social skills.
I don’t want to go out anymore, I’m afraid another similar incident will happen again.

  1. There’s no magic pill for being spineless. You’re the only one that can change your behavior. If you don’t know how to do this, find a good therapist and put in the work.

    Fwiw I believe anyone can develop confidence.

  2. This sounds like a really shakening experience. I’m sorry he thought he could treat you like that.

    As much as it would have helped to react differently in this situation, you also shouldn’t be too hard on yourself.

    The truth is that the guy was a giant POS and you aren’t any less of a person for not telling him that in the moment.

    Standing up for yourself isn’t easy for everyone and does not always come naturally. Don’t feel bad about what happened this time.

  3. Please realise that reflects more on him as a person than you, sucks you had to go through that but next time just walk away. It’s not worth it.

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