Laddies of reddit !What’s one thing you would say that makes you distinctive from other womens?

  1. We all go through life and keep changing and evolving. I find all women whom I interact with relatable either at the present moment or based on their/my past selves. This idea or attitude of thinking “i am not like others” is an illusion believed to be true because one wants to feel special.

    The only thing possibly distinctive would be all my experiences, finger prints, connections, and phone numbers at the same time.

  2. I don’t think i have to be separating myself from other women. I’ve always hated this notion of having to be unique and special, it supports this view that women are worth less and you have to be different somehow. There are so many books enforcing this and it really screwed with my head growing up.

  3. nothing, I’m exactly like all other women. That whole “I’m not like other women” reeks in a lot of internalized misogyny and it’s not healthy. We all have different backgrounds, personalities, life experiences but there isn’t anything inherently distintive from each other and I think that’s what makes all of us so resilient

  4. If I look through groups of women i would consider myself as part of the group- location, my age range within 5 years, my family, people with similar jobs, people with similar intrests….

    I don’t have or want kids. That’s probably the biggest thing that makes me different from most of the other women who I exsist around.

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