Met a girl at a dive bar recently. She was very nice and we ended up going back to her place that night.

When we went, her place was extremely dirty and I noticed tons of pill bottles laying around (not opiates. From what I can tell they were mainly ant-depressants). Didn’t think much of it at first, as many of us have fallen on hard times lately.

After a couple of dates, she texted me on a Sunday night apologizing for texting back and stating that she had too much too drink. I confirmed that she had been there alone and was looking for a ride home, so I went and picked her up even though she didn’t ask.

On the car ride over, I voiced my concern and she had admitted that she has been struggling with alcoholism. We got back to her place, embraced for a bit and I let her know that I would not abandon her.

I was taken aback but not completely surprised. But now I’m not sure how I should move forward. I do like her and want to be there for her, especially during this tough time in her life. Though I have my own mental health issues and I’m worried about taking this on while trying to maintain myself.

I won’t break my promise and abandon her (she doesn’t seem to have much of a support system, if any) but I’m thinking it might be best to take a step back while she’s managing things.

Is this the way or should I be taking a different approach? If this is the right approach, how do I let her down easy?

1 comment
  1. It’s never good.ti get into a relationship with someone who hasn’t overcome their addiction. Be there as a friend but that’s it.

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