… wtf it really is ?! Like y’all will prove in so many ways that you do not love us and actually hate us – but you will NEVER admit that?

Instead you will maintain even after the breakup that you “loved her more that anything” or “don’t know what went wrong” when we literally told you how to love us , you adamantly refused the whole time and specifically did exactly the opposite of what we asked , we warned you , because we saw that you didn’t love us ….. and you still pretend you did .

Why not just admit it when you start to hate us ?

  1. This sounds like an argument meant to be towards the person who hurt you, and not all men lol.

  2. Well 2 answers to this.

    Dude was just wanting pussy and working any angle to get it.


    Dudes going through some really tough shit in his life & like all men won’t open up about it &
    It effects many aspects of his life

  3. We just go through some tough shit and let that effect our daily life. We think we’re joking half the time tho

  4. Sounds like you’re into a lot of toxic relationships, and the fault isn’t necessarily on only one of the two sides.

  5. “when we literally told you how to love us”

    i’ve never dated anyone, out of choice, but from what i see lots of guys don’t understand signals, so unless you straight up told him every little thing he needed to do, then he might not have known?

  6. I’m so sorry that you were hurt so badly by someone you loved. I know if feels like “all men are trash” but that just comes from a place of anger and pain. Some people are just too dense to understand your viewpoint and expect more than they give. A lot of people try to save face after a break-up and lie to themselves and others about what really happened. I know your pain is at a all time high right now. But, the right person will never make you feel unseen or unheard or pain like this. It’ll be okay, and you’ll be okay, time heals all.

  7. You’re projecting yourself onto others as a matter of fact. That’s *your* hate you’re speaking about. Therapy could help – but only if you can admit to yourself that you’re having a problem and that you need help.

  8. >we literally told you how to love us

    >we warned you

    Whatever the hell the context of this is, I found your problem for you. That bullshit isn’t going to fly with most guys…

  9. “They” may hate unwanted or angry women. I tend to treat my exes as people I know. (A few exes have cut me out of their lives, but cé la vie. One ex warned me in advance.) And I strongly dislike ending friendships over small annoyances. (No large annoyances to date, so…)

  10. Ah yes bc your relationship problems are the fault of every man to ever live. Look, I’m going to tell you a story. I was psychologically, emotionally, and physically abused for years by my ex. I was completely at her mercy bc I knew that if I fought back against the punches that I’d go to jail. She made it her life’s work to absolutely destroy me as a man and she came damn close. I lost so much weight that I became anorexic and ended up in the hospital multiple times for medical complications. I had to ask permission to leave my own house, and could only do so if I let her track my gps. she belitted and gaslit me constantly, telling me nobody would ever love a disabled loser like me she ruined my relationship with my family and convinced me that they hated me. I spent years blaming myself for everything that happened and believing her when she told me I wasn’t worthy of love or respect. The PTSD from what I went through still messes with me and I have flashbacks every day. Any time a woman raises her hand above her shoulder I flinch bc I assume it’s a punch/slap coming for my face.

    I did absolutely nothing to deserve what I went through. I did love her with everything I had and I have no idea what happened or why she did that to me. Its not my fault. None of it. It took me 2 years to finally understand that I’m not to blame for what happened.

    Maybe instead of blaming random people who’s lives you’ve never witnessed, you can deal with your drama like an adult.

  11. A Reddit sub full of Internet randos won’t be able to help you with this obviously highly specific interpersonal issue. You’re going to have to work it out with the one specific person you clearly had in mind when you wrote this.

  12. You alright there, Doris?

    Because you sound crazy as a hat full of frogs

  13. Yeh this is generalisation at its most basic.

    Your ex guy was trash from what you have said but some of us actually say exactly what we want/need/mean, or atleast to the best of our own understanding at that time.

  14. Ah yes, a tale as old as time, the bitter over one person turning into why do all men

  15. This post feels like the kind of conversation you hear as you walk past someone’s door. So I keep walkin’ .. this is someone’s rant who is clearly unhappy yet allowing it to happen because .. sex/_xes_

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