What’s it like to be in a relationship with an influencer?

  1. Every time i take a shit, I’m on film. Get fired from my job, filmed. Cry over a death, filmed.

  2. I went out an ” IG influencer” and a Youtuber (Singer). it was a joke. Everything about their life is fake and they are constantly filming, editting and filtering their life to the point wheres its just a dillusion. We never had a moment where the was not a cam phone there or notifications going off.

  3. Everything you do is a photo opportunity. Going out for a meal? Got to take a picture of the outfit and got to take a picture of the food. Their pictures also have to be posted at specific times and the best ones on specific days for maximum likes – Saturday afternoon is apparently prime time. They stop smiling for pictures, they have to pout to make their lips look fuller and get the right angle of their face and body. Seriously, the amount of talk about getting their ‘good side’ in pictures is baffling.

  4. I have a cousin who is a popular IG influencer. Has turned her husband into a photographer / product model (turning circles in her videos showing off whatever she’s been paid to promote). Everything they do has some connection to creating a sponsored post.

  5. opposite perspective:

    i used to be really popular on snapchat. I wrote my own jokes and content. daily shit.

    in my personal life I’m very quiet and calm and reserved and give all the attention to whoever is around me.

    I know that not all the influencers are like that and the people that ended up dating me were very eager for a bit of spotlight and would beg me to put them on my social media to promote them.

    I don’t mind doing anything of that nature but you have to actually be able to produce something to generate interest.

    for me, I’ve always been shy and I got a little bit of an outlet through Snapchat (POV and observational humor so the camera was never on me) but it brought a lot of exploitive of people into my life.

  6. I think it must be horrible. Influencer are people that always lying about everything to keep up the illusion. they sell everything for money. Im super excited to read what experience ppl habe with influener. I expect nothing good.

    I think influencer are red flags except you want get out much money you can of a relationship.

  7. I assume it depends on the field. A fashion influencer is very different than someone that has a YouTube about 3d printers.

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