I mean after infancy, when you were able to walk and didn’t need to be carried around.

  1. Never. The one time I tried to hug him, well, you’ve never seen anyone looking so awkward and embarassed.

  2. I’m a lady person so I will answer for my brother and son. Brother is 37 and our dad has never hugged him. Last summer when we visited my dad, my son went to hug him goodbye and my dad got all uncomfortable and scoffed that he was “taller than your mother now” and the insinuation was that he should just shake hands now. My son pushed for the hug and has a few times since.

  3. Regularly and grandpa too until they both died. I force my uncle in them sometimes it’s funny to watch him squirm a little but it’s never been taboo in my family.

  4. not enough

    no joke: the hugs actually increased after the divorce, so like once a weekend

  5. All the time and not in a gross way. My dad and I have a fantastic relationship.

  6. Not often, but then I never huged my mother much either. Was by my own quirks rather than parents not wanting to. Was undiagnosed as an aspie and wasn’t a fan of physical contact and still aren’t outside of a romantic setting.

  7. Very few times, but he loves me even though he has never said that, but I know he does. It’s not his fault really, the lack of intimacy. He was born in the fourties, so his mom and dad was born 1913-1918 it was a different time. I hug my kids all the time but I have other faults I am sure. We are all imperfect and we do our best with what we got.

  8. Only on Christmas, birthdays and New Year’s celebrations. And still, it was that kind of robotic thing.

  9. Don’t recall it ever happening.

    I hug my kids every chance I get though. Eldest is 16 so that is few and far between now.

  10. Zero hugs from biological father. Lots from step father who honestly was my father in all respects

  11. More than I gave him credit for. Jesus I don’t know why, but this question hit me hard right now.

  12. No hugs from my Dad. Not to say I didn’t feel love from him but he wasn’t a hugger.

  13. Probably a few times but echoing the common sentiment here in that it didn’t happen enough that I can actually remember it and there was a period as an adult where I had to re-learn how to hug.

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