My boyfriend (25M) of 2.5 years broke up with me (27F) due to me having some anxiety and trauma that caused me to get overly upset and angry. He is also going through some things at work (military) and things happening in life that is overwhelming him. He just wants space to figure himself out and be able to relax and hang out with his friends to destress. I am currently in therapy to get my anxiety under control and process trauma. I have learned a lot about myself and my feelings. I also have been reading a lot about relationships, how to be a better partner, and self care. He says we can probably work it out down the road when we both feel better and in a better mindset.

I know I shouldn’t hold onto this hope, but I just want to hear some stories. NO ex is an ex for a reason ish.

TL;DR Any stories of getting back together after some time and space apart to work on yourself. How long did you date? How long was the break up? Was the “new” relationship together successful? What advice/tips do you have when getting back with an ex?

1 comment
  1. My bf and I broke up two times because of similar issues. We never talked about maybe working it out down the road but a few months later we got back together, it happens two times. Now we are together and have been for over a year. We are very different and every day we are trying to work with that. It’s hard. I love him but sometimes I wish we had just stayed away. So what I’m trying to say is that it can happen and does very often but maybe in time you will gain some clarity and not want him back. We were only broken up for a little under 2 months the first time and just around 2 months the second. It wasn’t really enough time to process and get over

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