For example, finding time for social life, education/work, hobbies and fitness

  1. Find time for yourself mainly, do what you enjoy. Cause most of the times Men are required to live for others.

  2. Do things in seasons. Sometimes (increasingly rare) there is something going on at work so I tell my wife for the next two months we need a work season, I’ll be later coming home and will be doing more work at home (usually don’t do any). But during a work season, I’m that much more intentional during my time off with the family, my cell phone and laptop might as well not exist.

    Fitness is easier than people make it out to be. I get up early enough to get in an hour to an hour and a half each morning, Monday – Friday.

    Hobbies can be fun to incorporate your family. I take my wife and kids fishing with me all the time and we enjoy it together. I am also part of a painting group that meets once a month at a park or something to paint the landscapes, but I also bring paints sometimes when taking my kids to the park.

    Social life is going to just naturally take a hit as you get older, but can still be meaningful. We’re not high school kids with no responsibilities anymore so we can’t hang with friends everyday. But I see my guy group once a month (more if someone needs to get together for something) and my wife and I will usually invite a couple or two over for dinner or go to someone else’s place for dinner once a month as well.

  3. Simple. Evaluate all endeavors & prioritise them on the basis of set goals (& where you are currently on that path). Maths. 🤔😆😄

  4. Its a management thing. You have to priortize what you value and need in your life.

    Work – Income

    Family – Happy partner/ kids

    Friends – Catch up (odd occasion like a BBQ)

    Hobbies – See how to do it or incorperate into your family.

    Me time – Mental health

    Gym – fitness (even walking with the family at the park.)

  5. Oh man, balance is the thing I am worst at. I’ve got like 20 spinning plates and I can only keep 5 of them stable. So I keep those solid and keep the other 15 barely wobbling. It’s not a good place to be and is probably the area of my life that needs the most improvement.

  6. Get done what I have to do and then go home and enjoy my absolute unit of a home

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