This can refer to hair specifically on your legs, pits, or genitals, or all of the above.

  1. It’s been great for me, I feel very confident and comfortable in my natural body. I learned how to appreciate and love it a lot more especially since getting rid of that body hair was painful and it didn’t feel natural at all. As expected there may be people who will give you some looks and make some unpleasant comments but telling them it isn’t their business is the best thing. I wish all women would embrace their body hair despite all that social pressure there’s around this topic

  2. Everything is exactly the same as when I was shaving. Nothing has changed except that when a breeze hits my legs, sometimes I think there’s something touching me, but it’s just the hair moving and I don’t spend money on hair removal. That’s it.

  3. I lived abroad for most of my life. Most of the rest of the world doesn’t have the obsessive need to remove every stray hair, so I was “normal” in that context. I’m not particularly fuzzy but I am an adult woman, so I got it. I’ve been surprised by how vehemently some people insist that any hair on a woman other than head and eyebrows is “unnatural.” I get that media and cultural norms are strong but “unnatural?” Come on. Adults have hair. If it was unnatural, it wouldn’t grow there.

  4. Embrace? I mean it grows. I’m not obsessive about removing it. When I was in my teens/ early 20s and I wasn’t perfectly clean shaved I wouldn’t leave the house… as an adult mammal fuck that. Now when I completely shave my pits, I smell bad and also find it uncomfortable when it’s too long. I let my pubic hair grow until it gets itchy/ uncomfortable too. I trim both of those areas once every month or two with a beard trimmer when I feel like it. I’ll usually hit my legs around the same time while I’m at it because a small breeze makes it feel like something’s touching my legs when the hair is too long. I do what is most comfortable for my body and being clean shaven 24/7 isn’t it.

  5. My experience with myself? Less work and no other differences really

    Within society? I think I’ve stopped caring or really noticing if others notice. I haven’t had any comments I can remember for years and if someone I am looking to date has an issue with it then I accept that and move on to find someone that doesn’t.

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