I mean they are not the biggest sure but I still like em you know.. how should I respond the next time she complains?

Edit: Thanks guys for a all the responses. I cant answer all of them since they are too many but thanks again. Some were really helpful and will be useful in my situation. 🙂

  1. “AND!!!!! Bring ‘em over here and let me suck on your heartbeat then baby!!!!”

    Show her how much you love the itty bitty titty committee!

  2. Tell her that it’s not really a problem, and ask her why she feels that way.

  3. When she’s complaining to a romantic interest, she is fishing for compliments.

    Tell her what you like about them. Show her what you like about them. Don’t compare them to any others. Just focus on hers.

  4. – Nipples are the thing
    – they don’t sag
    – they look better when nude
    – less boob sweat

  5. I’m glad you don’t have to roll them up, to fit into your bra.

    Sometimes that shit looks like two ferrets wrestling in a sack.

  6. just say that it doesn’t matter to you. Taking a side usually doesn’t help.

  7. Depends on the girl.

    If dating maybe reassure her that she looks good or be supportive of her getting a boob job depending on her outlook.

    If not sexually involved… silently wait for a conversation changer.

  8. I went through this back in the day when my wife was still young. She’s a little woman too. She had a decent set of B cups. They were beautiful. She had something traumatic happen with a fuckhead boyfriend back when she was 17, and as body positive as she is and super confident in life and living…..damn…..she was soooooo self-conscious over her boobs. Finally one day I said in a raised tone and without mincing words, something to the effect of the following. *”Your tits are fucking amazing and I don’t want to hear another fucking word about how they’re too small or one is a little smaller than the other. They’re fucking perfect! All I think about is getting my mouth and hands all over them. Do you not think I don’t know a thing or two about breasts?!?!? Trust me when I tell you THEY ARE PERFECT!!!!!”* I think my tone is what got through to her. After that, she never said another word….but I could see her looking at them in the mirror. Pregnancy and nursing. THAT gave her the Cs she wanted.

  9. “Small breasts are better if we cuddle because our hearts are closer to each other!”

    May sound cheesy, but who cares, if she smiles.

    Edit and insert a comma.

  10. I think i need another good look/feel to be sure…. for professional objective reasons….Yes objective thats the word.

    ok here it is. My opinion is the only one that matters and i like/love them.

    Me caveman like meat, sleep and gf tittys. Caveman like simple things in life.

    The best tits are the only ones i get to play with!

  11. As somone who has never understood the appeal of boobs I personally think small boobs are more attractive that bigger. And once you get really big.. ehhh yesh that’s a no thank you. (Obviously naturally large boobs you can’t help that it’s fine, just not my thing)


  12. It’s tough, they don’t believe you. One girl I was dating was similar. She didn’t believe me either. Until she said she was getting a boob job and I told her if she did. I would probably be less sexually attracted to her.

    I really do like them small titties though.

  13. Well I’m not paying for a boob job so your next boyfriend can play with em. Tough titties.

  14. Doesn’t matter the size of their breadt, just the sensitivity of their nipples 😉 it’s so nice to have a woman gasp when you squeeze their nippled.

  15. Boobs are like pizza. Whatever the situation is that shit’s going in my mouth and I’m gonna have a damned good time.

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