I’ve had three surgeries, firstly when I was 17 I had rhinoplasty — a nose job — I didn’t like my nose, especially since when I was 14 I was in a fight and got it broken, which made it more crooked, so my parents helped me to get this surgery as a gift for my 18th birthday; secondly when I was 20 I had jawline augmentation, since I was self conscious about the fact that my face was quite soft in terms of features and I wanted a more sharp jaw and at the same time I got my hairline fixed, not because I was balding but because I naturally had a widow’s peak and so when I combed my hair back I looked like Dracula. I think that everything looks quite natural, it’s been 7 years since I had my last surgeries and I don’t intend to get any more, or ever do anything like injections to fight the aging process, I wear sunscreen and take care of myself, and so I think that should be enough! I don’t really think about my surgeries and I generally don’t bring them up *unless* for some reason somebody sees a photo of me as a child or teenager, as I had a totally different nose and face shape back then.

I was in a long term relationship with my first and only serious girlfriend from the time that I was 17 until I was 25, as she died in February 2020 because she was driving under the influence, and after all of this time I would like to try dating again as I am not getting younger and I want to start a family quite soon, as I do not want to be old and unable to keep up when my own children are teenagers or adults, but frankly my dating experience began and ended in school as I stopped doing all of that once I began dating the girl that I was with.

  1. I find it hard to believe a woman would care too much, what’s done is done, if they ever ask sure why not tell them but I’m not sure there’s really a reason you have to volunteer that info.

  2. The only reason to disclose it maybe not immediately but without waiting too long is that there are definitely people out there who want children and are very concerned about what the child might look like. And they might have some problems with your original look.

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