ive asked around about this but i can’t really find a conclusive answer

so i had an online friend, who is no longer friends with me, and they would make a joke or say something hurtful every couple of days. like it’d be calm for a few days and then he makes a joke that affected my feelings. and the way i would react to that was that i would avoid talking to him for a few days or maybe a week because what that friend did or said upset me for a few days. however i’d remain offline but still check messages.

then i’d see a message like “hey why are you avoiding me? tell me, it’s making me sad” and so i’d explain. but whenever i’d try to communicate using “i feel” statements it’s like it doesn’t get through to him and he makes little effort to change. its like he doesnt see what he did wrong.

what i’m trying to ask is, am i a bad person for doing the silent treatment to this person?

  1. If explaining your feelings doesn’t get through to him then why the fuck is he even considered a friend? That guy needs to fuck off and grow up.

  2. > “hey why are you avoiding me? tell me, it’s making me sad”

    “Your last comment was too hurtful for me, I need recovery time.”

    I’d avoid the term ‘feel’ –lots of people think it means your view is discretionary and at your own will and choosing.

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