Our stairs act not only as a means of traversing the floors of our house, but also as this unique temporary storage facility. Usually tucked to the far left, random bits and bobs get placed on one or more steps to infer that they need to be taken up or down when the next person goes past.

Ours currently has:
– A bottle of bleach
– Two calpol measuring syringes
– A hair dryer
– A dead potted plant
– A folded micro fibre cloth
– A pair of pyjamas for 2-3 year old

So, what’s on your stairs?

  1. A tube of silicone dealer and a sealant gun which have been there for months. Damn.

  2. 1 pair of shoes, we live in a terraced house with steep stairs which are dangerous enough without obstructions 😂

  3. Our stairs have got. Nothing.

    We live in a bungalow, so don’t have any stairs. 🙂

  4. love with parents, so usually my stuff – ipad, laptop, books, pens, hair bobbles, makeup.

    but their car keys live there too and i always step on them in the night

  5. Usually same here. I must be ill, accidentally inside a parallel universe, or perhaps the world is about to end because they are empty. Very weird.

  6. Oh god. I feel so outed. Alright, here were go.

    – shake n vac bottle (not empty)
    – paperwork that needs shredding
    – receipts
    – cans of spray paint (don’t ask)
    – masks that need washing
    – a CAT5 cable
    – magnetic work light
    – new PCV valve gaskets for a Cadillac Northstar engine (I bought too many)
    – o-rings in mixed sizes
    – a pack of zip ties
    – wire cutters
    – a vacuum cleaner attachment
    – Machine Mart catalog

  7. My stairs are narrow and steep, so there’s nothing on them except occasionally the cat.

  8. Currently have a couple of coats there that I was moving from one cupboard to another… they’ll finish the journey one day

  9. Tea tree shampoo

    A cat hiding beyond the stair gate away from the baby

    A puzzle magazine.

  10. My dad used to keep loose papers and stuff on the little landing where the stairs turned, until one day, there was the most god-awful thud and then what my mum later described as “the loudest silence she had ever heard.”

    I was going downstairs with my arms full of laundry and I’d stepped on the papers. My foot shot out from under me and I fell, flat on my back, down three stairs.

    Still not sure how my dad got out of that one without my mum killing him to death, but they don’t keep things on the stairs any more.

  11. A pair of school shoes that are too small and have only been worn twice (thanks lockdown!).

  12. A pair of shorts i have just whipped off

    2 pair pf slippers

    Flip flops

    Cat hair

    Hair brush

    Hair dryer

  13. 3 cats right now. They’re refusing to come down as I have a builder in doing some work and the stairs are the safe place where they can stare daggers at anyone who comes into view. I took everything else up yesterday as I cleaned in preparation for said builder.

  14. My stairs has on it all the crap that’s waiting to be taken upstairs. Right now that’s:

    A few letters
    A book
    A basket of laundry

  15. A couple of years ago I tripped and fell down my stairs, broke my shoulder and knocked myself out cold for a few hours. Could easily have been a lot worse. It’s really not a great idea to leave stuff on your stairs!

  16. A doormat and a section of drainage channel which is going in the front garden later on. If we count the landings, there are 4 channel sections and a load of stuff to go in a waste electricals skip when I find one

  17. I hope you have a 2-3 year old

    I have 2 pairs of pants and some socks. They’ve been there for about a week.

  18. Mine are clear. Did have artificial flowers and a glue gun on it last night while I was moving wedding stuff around but they were put away before bed

  19. I do that, I put the toilet roll/shower gell/soap etc when I’ve been shopping. Whats helpful is that there’s a missing bannister spindle so it’s a nice “hatch” to put things through.

    My GF thinks I’m mad, and also never takes it up if she’s going past

  20. Prize for the most exciting tripping hazard goes to a wooden fire engine. Also two boxes of colouring pencils, three tubs of washing machine clothes dye, a baby sleep sack (hanging on the bannister if that counts) and a packet of chocolate biscuits (don’t judge me for needing biscuits upstairs, I’m experimenting to see if sleep can be replaced with biscuits).

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