So, let me say that this is the same guy I’ve liked and written about in my previous post. He is my supervisor however both him and I were promoted at the same time; we’ve worked together for about a year. I got his number from a friend a couple months ago, and texted him regarding work: he responded, our convo went for a few minutes, it died down so i simply hearted the conversation. He double texted twice 45 minutes later ( mind you this was around 11 at night) and talked until 1:30 A.M. Whenever i see him at work he always says hi, and seems excited to see me- he said my name in a really excited tone. Anyways i’ll cut to the point, recently we had a conversation where I first had apologized for bothering him, he responded shortly after with, “Youre not bothering me…”, the convo continued and I disclosed something personal yet work related and said “between you and me….”, he responded with: “Anything you say stays between us, you can trust me and I think you know that.” The conversation continued on, and then around 1 he stopped responding because i’m assuming he fell asleep? I’m really into him but I feel like I’m always initiating the convo, however he puts a lot of effort into the convo and reciprocates the energy! I really want to ask him out to drinks but I’m worried he might reject me. Men of reddit, is he into me?

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