I’m a 17 M and I moved to a new country 3 months ago and in those 3 months I haven’t spoke to anyone. I tried joining a gym and going to parks, malls and places where a lot of people usually hang out but nothing, all I find is people in groups but I don’t know how to talk to them, I don’t wanna just walk up to them and ask “hey can I hang out with you guys” because I know they’re gonna say no since i’m a stranger.

Every day I go outside thinking “Today is the day, I have a good feeling about this one” thinking I’m gonna meet someone but I always come back feeling dissapointed.

The loneliness is starting to get to me and I’m really getting stressed and feeling awful. I have no idea what to do anymore so any tips or suggestions would be appreciated.

Btw if you’re asking I can’t make friends in school cuz I don’t start classes until september.

1 comment
  1. I’m guessing it is a country where you can speak the same language as your old one. If so there maybe people on reddit willing to talk i have no experience with that myself but i’ve heard that sometimes works. Depending where you are from can change how you interact with stranger in public.
    My only advice is to find something you like doing and try and find people in and around that activity to talk to. For example, if you go to the gym regularly and you see the same person all the time there talk to them.Maybe about what they are doing or something to connect the two/two plus of you. Good luck, it will get better.

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