I’m mid-30’s and never bothered getting a drivers license. I’m from a country where driving education isn’t part of school curriculum, it’s a private thing you’d pay for yourself if you wanted lessons.

There are a few reasons, living somewhere where it isn’t critical to be able to drive, the cost, generally being terrified of my own clumsiness to get behind the wheel. Sometimes I regret not doing it when I was 18, but only a bit. And it occasionally makes life harder than it has to be (think vacations, moving house, etc.) and a couple of times I’ve been with girlfriends who have looked down at me a bit for not having it. But in general the cost and hassle of getting one (and then also owning and running a car afterwards) have outweighed the desire to actually sort it out.

So to anyone out there who never bothered with it like me, what made you not bother? Do you have any regrets? Do you find it causes you problems?

  1. 1) I’m terrified of getting in an accident where either I or someone else gets killed.

    2) Insurance is expensive at my age (22) and petrol is expensive

    3) if I go anywhere I’m going to take the tram or underground anyway. I’ve always been extremely interested in public transport and plan to be an urban planner once I finish my degree.

  2. I didn’t get it till I was 21

    A year later my mum came home with a sick stomach it was mild at first but then it got way worse very fast where my mother was on the floor screaming.

    I got her into her car and took her to the hospital.

    I was so glad I was able to drive that day. (It wasn’t her appendix but it could have been and that’s scary)

    Even if you don’t have a car I think it’s worth it to know how to drive one. You never know when you are gonna need it.

  3. as someone living in areas with public transportation.. and also in europe so you can acutally walk to shit I really dont want a license. Feels like a waste of money I could spend on my PC.

  4. i get 30 this year and dont have one. I have a disability and getting a drivers licence would be possible but i dont want to. I react slower then most people. And i just dont like the thought of driving someone over.

  5. Driving education isn’t part of a school curriculum anywhere. I live in the city and you still have to get it privately, it’s not something you learn if mandatory school. You have to pay for classes outside of school.

  6. I live in huge city with a big transit system. I grew up using it and unlike other young adults across the country never had the necessity to have one

  7. In the Netherlands, public transport is pretty good, unless you live in a small village or in the middle of nowhere. I live in a city with good public transport, bus and train, so I don’t need a car.

    Public transport is better for the environment than a car. And when I am tired, sitting down on the train is nicer than having to focus on driving.

  8. 28. Still haven’t got it. I want to at some point, but I haven’t practiced on a while. I failed the driving test several times when I was younger and am scared I’ll fail it again.
    I’m also scared that it was a case of discrimination due to my medical issue, in which case they could just keep failing me, and let me believe it’s because I’m just a bad driver. I don’t know. I don’t want to claim mistreatment if it isn’t true, but I also don’t know that I’m that bad.

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