What’s a phrase that you find very comforting and beautiful?

  1. In hard times, I remember “Nobody gets through life unscathed” and also, daily, I remind myself to “lay down the things that don’t serve you”.

  2. My favorite one is in my language (Persian).
    Delam barat tang shode literally means my heart has tightened for you which is a phrase meaning that someone misses you a lot.

  3. it won’t always be this way or this will pass 🙂 just reminds me that whatever I’m experiencing is never a permanent state of being

  4. When my boyfriend tells me “it’ll be okay, baby” I know he can’t guarantee it, but it makes me feel like things actually can be okay.

  5. Grew up walking on eggshells around my family because of generational anxiety. Like, it was a BIG fucking DEAL if we didn’t do something on time, get to a place early because of worst-case scenarios. (There’s going to be traffic! We lived in the middle of nowhere. “Traffic” might add an extra 1-2 minutes of commuting). Hard core inflexibility.

    So when my partner tells me “let me check my schedule” it instantly calms me down. It’s our code word because we both know we can just go with the flow, and that ultimately we get to decide our schedule during leisure time.

  6. I find a lot of comfort in thinking “If you’re not happy yet, it’s not over yet.” If I’m not yet okay with the outcome of a situation, then it’s not over yet—no situation truly ends in a bad place, and I like to think that there is always some form of resolution. If I’m not happy yet, that means there’s still more to come, so things will undoubtedly improve.

  7. Honestly, it’s when my guy says, “You’re fine.” He’s the first man I’ve ever loved and I never thought this would happen in my life (even though I’ve dated before). The years of insecurities have built up and when I read that message/hear it from him, it reminds me that he knows my faults…and sees beyond them to the bigger picture. It makes me want to keep bettering myself because he really makes me feel like I really do deserve it.

  8. “Nothing matters.” But in a ‘positive nihilism’ way. I.e. we create our own meaning.

  9. A kine from a song “be the change that you wish to see” thinking about getting it tattooed

  10. “Seek Discomfort”
    Meaning.. never stay in your comfort zone for too long. Challenge yourself. Experience things you never thought you would. Be brave.

  11. Imagination will often carry us to worlds we thought never were. But without it we go nowhere. – Carl Sagan

  12. “Love many, trust few, amd always paddle your own canoe”

    Just a reminder that the power to do everything in your life comes from within.

  13. Not sure if comforting is 100% the right word but I’ve always loved “I wouldn’t change you for the world, but I would change the world for you”

    My sister has special needs, and this is how I’ve always felt as her big sister. I’ve pursued the career I have to do just that. It really sums up my motivation and drive to keep going, even on the tough days. I’ve got it tattooed on me, on my ribs, close to my heart.

    I’m a proud big sister and all I’d like out of life is to make the slightest impact on those in the special needs community.

  14. I’m not a religious person, nor am I in recovery, but I always use the Serenity Prayer to guide me through difficult times.

    “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

  15. It used to be ill always be there for you but its a lie lmaooo so hate it now

  16. “Stay afraid, but do it anyway. What’s important is the action. You don’t have to wait to be confident. Just do it and eventually the confidence will follow.” – Carrie Fisher.

    I miss her.

  17. “You are worthy of love and belonging.”
    – Brene Browne

    I usually and -today, right now, and always- at the end.

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