What daily vitamins do you take and why?

  1. Vitamin D. I’m a pale white creature and don’t make enough of my own from the sun.

  2. I take a multivitamin cold effects and a cranberry supplement in the morning.

    I take the multivitamin and the cold effects because I don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables my diet is mainly protein, grain and dairy. And I also have autoimmune disease so I need all the help I can get to ensure of the nutrients to fight off illness. I do eat at minimum one serving of fruit or vegetable per meal.

    I take a cranberry supplement as a form of diuretic because I have a short urinary tract and I get infections and discomfort when I don’t go to the washroom every hour and a half to two hours.

    In the evening I take reservatrol ashwagandha and Omega 369 for my mental health as alternative medicine. I don’t do well on ssris after a decade of trying to find the right dosage the right regiment it just doesn’t work. This helps with brain function and inflammation of the brain. This is approved by my doctor do not try this on your own to go off your ssris. My dosage was very minimal and I am functional without it. This will not solve it for major chemical imbalances.

  3. B complex, D, and iron per my doctor’s recommendation after my latest blood panel.

  4. Vitamin D for deficiency.

    Magnesium for sleep/anxiety

    Occasionally B12 because I don’t eat much meat

  5. Pre-natal as I’m TTC and it’s recommended by my doctor to start before getting pregnant!

    Then technically not a vitamin and more a supplement, inositol for my PCOS.

  6. B12, iron tablets, multivitamin, zinc, fish oil, magnesium, potassium chloride, apple cider vinegar, vitamin D.

  7. Magnesium (migraines), D3 (pale person in northern climate), riboflavin (migraines), b12 (energy), zinc (skin), fish oil or vegan alternative (misc)

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