So, I (23) met this guy (28) a year ago. we started to like each other but not until the last twoo weeks I decided to show my feelings and he was fine with it. So we started to have dates andā€¦ just 3 dates since then. Because for work (mine and him) dont have a lot time. But anyways he calls me everyday and its fine. So today we talk about sleep together and he was okay with that. So the situation is that I talk about sleep (Zzzā€¦) and I think he is talking bout seggs. I think I am not prepared yet to do it with him, I am not virgin but its because I am not as ā€œeasyā€ with that. How can I tell him that without sounding rude? Because I WANT to do it with him but not next week. I always fucked up with relationships because of that.

  1. Every man wants so have sex. He is definitely talking about sex. I wouldnā€™t recommend putting yourself in a bed with him until youā€™re ready to have sex, because he will try.

  2. Just tell him. Talk to him about it and what youā€™re comfy with.

  3. Just plainly state that you aren’t ready for that yet, but you do see it happening in the future

  4. You should talk to him and let him know otherwise he might think you lead him and turn it down. Just tell him exactly what you want or not.

  5. you should talk clearly just say i want but not next week and give time each other, if he will behave like sh1t just you would kick his as$

  6. I think itā€™s possible to just sleep like zzzs with a guy but you have to be completely clear about it before he arrives

  7. If you still use the term “do it” when talking about sex your too young to worry about sex.

  8. if it comes up say something like “Sleep together like cuddle buddies or the sleep together where we have sex type of sleep together? Because I am not at all comfortable with having sex just yet”?

  9. Don’t have sex until you’re ready to.

    If you’re uncomfortable with the topic, then change it or compel him to change it. If he doesn’t, then you might already know that you don’t need to keep going with him if he isn’t respecting your choice not to have sex yet.

  10. Sleeping together literally means sex. How can you even misinterpret that ?

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