I’m still in uni myself starting 3rd year in the fall. 21yo ATM and I started noticing girls in my uni and even friends I went to high school with (who are in their early 20s some even 18/19) dating guys that are 27-35yo. Not that I really care or anything it’s their business and whatever but it seems to be a lot more now. Have I just been oblivious and this has always been happening or is there some recent trend? There are either large age gaps or very small ones (1-4 years) where for the most part couples I know have been dating for a while already.

  1. Always been the case and I’m a lot older than you. Had girls at school being picked up by dudes in cars, late teens going out with guys in mid 20s and even beyond. Lotta girls wouldn’t even date anyone that went to school or college and that’s exactly where they were at

  2. Pretty normal. Older guys normally have more going on in life for them. Women tend to date upwards naturally. Date guys with cars, spending money, and connections. I am 23 I date guys who are like 28,29 they are able to do more and could even help me with getting text books and things for my grad program without breaking a sweat or breaking the bank. A lot of women who date for marriage think about where the man is in life financially as well as true love and friendship sidebar: why does everyone get salty when they are reminded that some women care about financial status…. Sheeeeeesh. Traditionally a man’s job is to protect and provide. So some women are still looking for protectors and providers.

  3. There are two types of girls. Those who like experienced guys and those who don’t like going out with dudes their age because they think they’re immature. Especially for girls in their early 20’s.

  4. I wouldn’t have noticed, but it’s understandable when people get closer at the peak of their respective market value, so women in their early 20s with men in their early 30s.

  5. Im the exact same age as you and have noticed the same thing recently, girls who i thought of as kids when I was a senior in high school be posting their graying boyfriends now… shits crazy to me. I dont think its anything new though, weren’t dudes in their 20s dating high school girls “accepted” or kinda shrugged off like 30-50 years ago? Not saying that was ever ok

    I think its just part of growing up, now that we’re transitioning into real adults, most women naturally start to gravitate more towards providers which means older guys who have their shit together. I remember as a senior overhearing some girl I was into talking to her friend and they were both saying “omg yea I’ve never dated anyone my age or even still in high school, I could never” and lowkey getting sad about it lmao. Its gotten so annoying to me that I genuinely think i wont have my first serious relationship until im later in my mid-late 20s with a career and the ability to date a girl a few years younger than me without it being weird.

  6. Yeah I think it’s more common now because “secure the bag” culture and the popularity of being a sugar baby

  7. It maybe just depends of the enviroment…like, when i was in hs, alot of girls seemed to be dating 5-8 or even 10+ yo older guys..I would also often hear older women saying how big age gaps are fine or how around 5yo age gap is considered “perfect”. However, now i don’t know almost any women dating like that. All seem to date either guys their age, 1-3yo older or 1-3 younger.

    So, ye…I assume it’s not something on the whole world level.🤣

  8. Yes.

    I think in recent years women now feel less embarrassed and ashamed to date someone older. In the past this was seen as taboo and is now becoming less taboo…

    I can only speculate that this is because younger men are openly having age gap relationships… Anecdotally in society, when men decide something is “okay” on a whole to do, then suddenly its not shameful if women do it also.

    Example: Harry Styles and Olivia Wilde. 10 year age gap.

  9. It’s really demoralizing as a fellow younger guy tbh. Why even bother trying when you can’t compete with handsomer, richer, more experienced older men. Guess I’ll be alone until my late 20s lol

  10. All the commentary I see here is younger women saying how creepy older guys are, and how exploitative and wrong it is. So, go figure. The reality is that there’s probably a little of everything going on, and to each their own. I wouldn’t get too locked in to it seems like it’s just this or that.

  11. It’s always been like that. If you look at the ahead gaps between married couples from the older generation you’ll see just that. And it makes sense at least from a woman’s perspective. What’s the point in dating a man who isn’t financially stable, still in school or don’t have their own place or car etc? A partner who has their life together is way more appealing than one that is now starting out.

    Which kinda sucks for us young guys but thankfully not all women care about stuff like that and are fine with growing with their partners.

  12. I dont think its any more frequent than it was before, at least not in my social circles.

    It could also be that with online dating being so common now days younger women have more exposure to older men who aren’t going to clubs and bars where they’re more likely to meet people closer to them in age.

  13. Living is becoming more expensive therefore older men with more financial stability are seen as more attractive to women. Then again this has always been common, but when you’re in your twenties and out of an academic setting you see it more often because now all your peers aren’t just classmates dating each other anymore.

  14. Its just you. Younger women have often been attracted to older men and then when they get to 30 or so they start complaining how wrong it is.

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