Is ejaculation the only indicator? How about when you take a while to cum?

  1. Eh, I’ve had sex that I enjoyed a lot where I didn’t finish.

    There’s no hard & fast signs.

  2. If it’s a one night stand: my ejaculation.

    If it’s someone I’m hooking up with (FWB): someone is finishing, doesn’t have to be me.

    If it’s someone I’m dating and introduced to my mom: both of us have been fully satisfied with pain and pleasure and my cum is inside her.

    Tough question because even sex where homegirl just lays there’s is enjoyable. Only time I can imagine sex not being enjoyable if I wasn’t attracted to her in the first place, but if that’s the case then why would I ever stick my dick in.

  3. The sex is good when you bust at least a level 2 nut. Level 3 is too rare to hold any woman to that standard but if she can only get you to bust a basic level 1 load then it wasn’t that good.

    Better than not cumming, I guess. But you might as well have jerked off at that point.

  4. If I’m breathing like a winded buffalo after I cum, and I’m kissing you all over, I enjoyed it. If I enjoy it I can’t get enough of you.

  5. I see a lot of people saying ejaculation however you can still enjoy sex without cumming as a man. It’s rare to be honest cause most people nowadays are selfish and worry only about themselves but it is possible. There are times where I have not orgasmed and I loved every second of it with her. I think it moreso depends on if it’s a hookup or emotional but if you really cant tell during it just ask

  6. when you fall down after it and breathe loudly having the need to repeat ‘oh god that was so good’

  7. If I come back for more, if I want to cuddle afterwards, if I’m smiling afterwards.

  8. You know when a guy fucked you real good and your legs don’t work for a moment.

    Men get that too

  9. If I really enjoy it, I move a lot more, I touch your face, hold your head, kiss you all over, laugh and moan. Orgasm is secondary for me. I also can really enjoy sex if I just try to please her and focus on her.

  10. If we come back for more

    Being vocal is probably a better indicator for many

  11. Ejaculation isnt an indicator of enjoyment at all.

    If a guy masturbates too much or too little, they may not be able to cum or cum prematurely. If a guy is unfit, unhealthy, having mental health issues, under the influence of alcohol or drugs, ate a large meal, nervous, anxious, desperate due to not getting laid in a long time, they could very easily have the same issues of either ejaculating too quickly or not being able to cum at all, and there are many other things that can have that influence too.

    Usually the best indication of enjoyment is engagement, it’s pretty hard to be engaged with your partner and not enjoy having sex. If I were just pounding you, incessantly, I’d cum, of course, but I wouldnt enjoy that very much because it’s boring.

    If I were doing all of the work and you were just laying there, not touching me, not making a noise, looking at the ceiling, I may start wondering if you’re enjoying it, then my mind would wander and I may find it difficult to actually ejaculate.

    If you’re asking this because you are curious if your partner enjoys having sex with you, or if you want to know how to be better in bed then take this little piece of advice…

    Do something! Do anything! Caress him with your hands, kiss him, if he pulls away then pull him right back, take control, tell him to put his hands somewhere, change positions, and for the love of god make eye contact!

    The biggest thing that men get enjoyment out of while having sex is not having to guess what the woman wants! If you’re enjoying it, we certainly are! So give us clues, tell us what you want, and if we arent getting the job done, lay us down on our back and ride us the way that you want and tell us what to do with our hands.

  12. When the people involved looked like they just finished a marathon.

    Eagerness. Enthusiasm. Active participation.

  13. For me, that post nut feeling where I’m still inside and I look into her eyes and feel that connection. No better feeling in the world. (She’s probably reading this, and she knows the score :D)

  14. Can’t really say anything about other people but here’s my two cents

    Sex is like free pizza, even if it’s bad it’s still free pizza

  15. Normally you’d be able to tell by me telling you that I enjoyed the sex.

  16. Personally, fatigued to the point that I’m still hard, but so limp, while not being able to stand due to leg cramps even though I’ll try to act like it’s not a problem, it clearly is. Sweating, sure- sometimes, sometimes my cardio’s good.

    Exhaustion isn’t always a sure sign. They could just be out of shape. We’ve all been there. Not to mention, some folks just don’t get too often so their experiences of enjoyment are usually, at least 75% or more, purely based on orgasm.

    Every guy is different in what truly satisfies him. If you’re looking for an answer, I highly recommend having a deep and intimate talk with your person for which you have these considerations of. All of us guys can give you our opinion’s based only on self satisfactory standards. Your person has had their own experiences in life, sure they may appreciate the same things we do, but does that mean they’re getting what they want to completely enjoy themselves? Not unless you ask them, will you know.

  17. Tell your man that it’s such a turn on when he moans/groans. He’ll get the message and you’ll receive better feedback

    Many of us have been masturbating for a decade in our parent’s house and learned to keep silent so nobody would hear. We have to unlearn that behavior but we need you to encourage it.

    As a typical rule though, he probably enjoyed the sex if he wants to do it again. Ejaculation or lack thereof isn’t necessarily a sign

  18. Best indicator: is it difficult to walk after? Does it still feel like your getting fucked even after he’s passed out next to you? If you answered yes then he enjoyed the sex. Ejaculation isn’t an indicator of how good the sex is- sex could be horrible and still bust in 3 minutes. when sex is good for us- we get stamina out of nowhere! If the sex is good we don’t want to finish-we will slow down to try and prolong it as much as possible.
    Basically if your guy jack hammered you for 3 minutes- he wanted to ejaculate.
    If he fucked you hard then slow then hard then slow and so on then he enjoyed the sex and wasn’t chasing the bust.

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