I made a [short recording](https://files.catbox.moe/jtw7zv.m4a) of myself and was curious how my english sounds to actual native english speaking people 🙂

  1. Your English sounds good. I don’t imagine anyone would have a difficult time understanding what you’re saying. You do have an accent (as everyone does, really,) but it’s hard to place. If I had to guess I would say you are Asian?

  2. Extremely clear and easily understood on par with a native speaker, but there’s a slight British accent and at some points the accent also sounds like something else, but undetermined.

    Very good, but it’s still obvious you’re not from here.

  3. Your English is very good. I had no difficulty understanding you and you spoke very clearly.

    You definitely have an accent. I would guess it’s Central European.

    The only flaw I noticed is that you said “I don’t think I’ve ever talken to anyone from America” but the past-tense of “talk” is “talked.” But nobody would have any difficulty understanding what you said.

  4. You sound just fine. Cultured even. You’ll probably have women/men (whatever your preference) swooning over you with that accent.

    (And to answer your question.. yes. The accent is very noticeable. But, you should embrace it. European accents kill over here.)

  5. Sounds good to me. I don’t think you’d have any trouble with anyone not understanding you. It doesn’t sound native, but not in a bad way by any means.

  6. You definitely have an accent that I’d guess is central European, but you’re very easily understood. No one should complain about interacting with you due to your speech.

  7. Your English is good. You sound mildly Scandinavian but it’s no big deal. Easily understandable.

  8. Sounds very good, I can hear a German accent there pretty noticeably but I could be wrong about the accent

  9. Easily understandable. Accent is noticeably foreign but close *enough* to native level that it can’t be easily placed geographically. Only grammatical mistake I heard was “have talking” but everything else was correct.

  10. you do have an accent but most english speaking americans do haha depending on which part of the country they are from etc. i’m from michigan and the accent seems to change thru the state. i can always tell if someone is from northern michigan vs east etc.

    to me, it doesn’t matter if an english speaker has an accent since there really isn’t a standard one with english. when i first learned french, i had to learn a specific accent that english just doesn’t seem to have. nothing nasally, no sounds just flatness 😂 english is boring and ugly imo

  11. really good, very clear and easy to understand. I’m guessing, German or Dutch? maybe scandinavian? You can definitely hear that you’re a non-native speaker (not because your accent is bad, just because it’s not any of the Anglosphere accents) and I’m pretty sure you’re European, but the accent isn’t strong.

  12. Your English is pretty good, you have a noticeable accent but it doesn’t get in the way of how clear your English sounds. Plus accents are kinda cool anyway.

  13. your English sounds great. especially your inflection and rhythm of speaking – very similar to a native English speaker.

    I think any American would pick up on an accent that isn’t from the US, but that’s not a bad thing. the one thing I heard that was a pretty big tell was a “th” sound that came out as “d” at the end of your recording. but you definitely would have no problem having a conversation with English speaking Americans. we all have different accents too.

  14. I never would have guessed that you don’t talk English frequently, because your accent sounds like someone from Europe (German is my guess of native language) who has spent time in the US or gotten speech training.

    I did listen to it a second time, and I believe you didn’t use any words with a “th” sound, which is often a giveaway.

  15. You are perfectly understandable. I don’t think anyone would have any trouble. You have an audible non-us accent but not an easily identifiable one. There are also a couple of unusual word choices.
    Not things that are “wrong” just not what I would expect. If I had to guess… I’d say a Nordic country but that is completely a guess. You would definitely get asked where you are from talking to people here as people would be curious.

  16. There is a notable accent, but in no one way impedes understanding. I understand you far more easily than I understand the average Scot. In terms of word usage I only spotted two things I wouldn’t expect of a native speaker:

    * “have talking” should be “have talked” (or “have spoken”). Unless you’re saying “have talken” in which case it should still be “have talked” or “have spoken”. The -en ending only applies to past participles of irregular verbs; regular verbs get the basic -ed ending.
    * “I rarely talk English” should be “I rarely talk in English” or “I rarely speak English”

  17. Very good English. Very obvious accent but you are clearly understandable.

    I’m guessing Scandinavian maybe Swedish? Close?

    If not Scandinavian I’d guess German.

  18. Very clear and fluid. Your accent is there, but minimal. It seems similar to the sound of Swedish or Dutch people speaking English.

    The only obviously accented thing is some of your R’s, like in “rarely” and “hear that.” They sound more like an American English “W.” So people would be able to tell that English is not your first language, but they would have no trouble at all understanding you.

    If you told someone you had been living in the US for years, they would believe you. Very well done for never having been here!

  19. I understood every word. You have an accent, but I don’t think you would experience any prejudice due to it or your fluency— you sound Northern European or German and we just assume you’re all well-traveled and educated.

  20. You speak English better than my neighbor (from Germany) who has lived here for 20+ years and my son’s mother in law who moved here from Germany 25 years ago

  21. Very good English! But yes, the accent is there. I only had some difficulty understanding at the beginning (“how my English sounds to you). I’d recommend to go slow. And like the other responses, we looovvve accents over here, especially Northern European.

  22. There’s a bit of an accent, but echoing what others have said no problems at all understanding ya.

  23. He sounds like Chris from Military Aviation History on YouTube, he is a German man

  24. It sounds excellent. There is an obvious Germanic/Central European type accent, but your words are very clear and easily understood.

  25. You sound very good and undstandable and I think you sound German, the modern German English accent sounds really cool imo. But also it sounds like you’re recording through a kartoffel. Very muffled sound.

  26. Your English is very good. I sometimes struggle with understanding accents as I have some audio processing issues, but I had no problem understanding what you were saying. Your accent is lovely sounding too!

    You would have no problem conversing in America.

  27. Are you from Netherlands? Your English is fine but additionally your accent is mild which I think I notice with Dutch and maybe like Danish native speakers

  28. Very good, you have a nordic or Germanic accent but you sound almost Australian. Anyway who gives a fuck about how we sound or accents or whatever, as long as we are able to express ourselves and other people are able to interpret it that’s all that counts 🙂

  29. Definitely an accent, but a very minor one. I didn’t have any trouble understanding what you were saying.

  30. You do have an accent but it is MUCH closer to a standard American accent than many other ESL folks that I know. You have some grammatical errors (e.g. “talk English” vs “speak English”), but other than that, your English is pretty good!

  31. Your English is fantastic! There’s a slight accent that is noticeable but really good overall.

  32. It sounds very good, I’m surprised you have never been to the US. I didn’t listen to the whole thing but I’m guessing you’re German. It’s interesting to hear someone from Europe speak English with an American accent.

  33. You’d be understood anywhere in America just fine. You do have a accent but so does everyone.

  34. Your English is exceptional. You’d have absolutely no trouble whatsoever traveling or even moving to America.

  35. You speak English very well. There are some grammatical errors here and there but you made very few mistakes and I can understand you perfectly. Are you from a Nordic country? Sweden? Norway? Finland? I can hear what I would call an accent and it sounds like it may be from that region. Good job and keep up the good work 👌

  36. it’s good and I can hear a small hint of middle/northern european language in there for the accent although it’s so small it’s barely noticable
    (is it cool if I try to guess your native language)

  37. Very good overall, perfectly understandable.

    It is obvious that you are not a native speaker though. Nothing that makes you hard to understand, just odd grammar and phrases. Like “I rarely talk English”. We would say I rarely speak English.

    Everyone has an accent, that is just the way being a human works. From your accent I’m 100% sure you are European and probably someone in Central to Eastern Europe.

  38. You for sure have an accent, but it is easily understandable and it sounds like you’ve been speaking English fluently for years. Based on your accent I would guess that your first language is Germanic or Scandinavian. Your “r” sounds are good, but when you said “rarely” it sounded like “welly” and it was really jarring to me when compared to the “r” sounds in the rest of you sample.

  39. Your letter Rs are almost absent 🙂 You sound fine. Clearly understandable

  40. I can tell right away that you’re from a German-speaking country since I currently live in Germany and you sound like most people I talk to every day. Your accent isn’t super strong and I can understand you perfectly–you enunciate a lot which is good. You also don’t stumble over any words and you speak quickly for someone whose second language is English, which is also good–this makes me think you’re confident in your English ability.

    If I had to grade it, I’d give you an A (or a 1,2 🙂 )

  41. You sound very clear and understandable. It sounds like you have learned more American English than British English. I mainly notice the slight accent with the “th” and “r” sounds. Very impressive!

  42. You speak amazing English! Also it sounds to me like you have a German accent. It is thick, but very nice sounding. It is pleasant to listen to.

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