My girlfriend (21 F) has always told me (19 M) about how important it is to her that she moves out of state before the year ends, in order to pursue the opportunities for her own growth. Not only does she want to continue her studies, she simply can’t bare living in the same state under the conditions that she faces in her personal life. I’m genuinely really happy for her to do what would most benefit her of course, all I want as her boyfriend is to see her flourish. The issue, however, is that the thought of being so far from her pains me. I know it would be selfish of me to try to convince her to stay at least a little longer until I can join her or to at least not go so far so soon — I could never bring myself to discourage her of her own happiness. In fact, I set out to speed up my own process to get myself prepared for a big move myself. Deep down I know I just need more time, not that I need any convincing that I’d love to join her, but I feel that I have more preparation that needs to be taken before making such a major decision. In the midst of assuring her that whichever decision she’s set on I know she’ll do amazing and should give for it if she feels ready, she caught me getting really emotional (after a miserable attempt at hiding it). I expressed why it would be so difficult for me to be away from her for a long while still (promised not to keep anything important from each other), and it resulted in a tense conversation where she now felt bad since she understands where I’m coming from and admitted that if she were in my position, she wouldn’t want me to be so far for that long either. I insisted that she of course not hold back her own ambitions for my own emotions and not being ready yet, but the conversation ended up in her needing alone time and I’m stuck in frustration over not feeling ready yet. I just feel so stuck, I don’t know if I’m handling it the best I could in this case or what I should do to ease the situation. Not only that, I’d just really appreciate some advice as to what my next step should be so that I can feel less anxious about moving away from where I grew up. I know I don’t want to be stuck in the same place forever but I feel lost right now. Help?

1 comment
  1. Moving away from the place I grew up was the best thing to ever happen to me. It completely changed my life for the better

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