I’m big into conspiracies. I personally believe that the moon isn’t real, that the Earth is flat, the Illuminati, etc

N – Never

A – A

S – Straight

A – Answer

I used to be hesitant, but a guy at my comic book club convinced me of all sorts of conspiracies while we were smoking weed and shit while watching the NBA finals. And when I Googled it and watched some YouTube videos, it turned out to be legit.

“Maybe self-improvement isn’t the answer, maybe self-destruction is the answer.” ~ Tyler Durden

  1. You lost me at the moon and earth.

    Jesus Christ people are Fucking dumb around here.

  2. The world is a simulation, and if that’s true it means any conspiracy technically could be true. Not a 100% belief but an interesting one for me at the least

  3. Do flat Earthers believe all planets are flat or just the Earth? I ask because when I look up in the night sky everything I see is a sphere.

  4. I believe that there may be many seeds of truth to a lot of the conspiracy theories (which i have dove into QUITE thoroughly, for better or worse). But I also believe a lot of them are intentionally over blown and exaggerated by special interests to muddy the waters in order to make them seem too outrageous to be believable.

    Example: Child eating/raping Illuminati extra dimensional lizard beings that have been enslaving humanity for thousands of years and control society at every level, is actually just a theatrical cover for the large network of industrial/financial/political royal class milking the majority of the world and its inhabitants to further enrich themselves and their families at the expense of the rest of humanity.

    Or: CIA/corporate mind control black psyops conducted in order to groom people and trigger mass shootings/bombings and/or other psychopathic behavior in order to justify a stronger police/surveillance State, is actually just…..what it appears to be. So that one doesn’t really work as an example, I guess.

    Anyways, I definitely don’t think the majority of us are playing with a full deck of cards and getting the full story about what’s REALLY going on in this world, at least.

  5. 1. Well, OP, I agree that the moon landings were fake. They hired Stanley Kubrick to direct them, but he’s such a perfectionist he demanded the NASA team allow him to film on location.

    2. I know I’ll get banned for this, but I believe Israel is run by Jews. Seriously, look around the place. Star of David on the flag? All their prime ministers have been spotted carrying articles of the faith. It’s there. You just gotta look it up.

    3. Epstein didn’t kill himself.

    4. I think that the media owned by corporations also means that when those corporations have lobbied government, an attack on any one institution becomes viewed as an attack on all, as they are intertwined like a hydra. Therefore, what was mainstream news is now de facto state/corporate-run propaganda. No non-corporate-friendly news will ever be allowed to air.

    5. Woke intersectional shit is pushed because it’s easier than effecting real change that affects profit margins (e.g., sanctions on China for labor and environmental regulation violation, IP theft, etc.,) which might protect domestic jobs.

    6. Our entire economy is fraudulent and propped up mostly by lying and people protecting their own little fiefdoms and chasing their own limited self-interest. Collective self-interest died the moment we decided post-WWII that the nation state was little more than “common access to material goods,” and arguably too dangerous given that we’d launched two world wars ostensibly over nationalism chased to *its* self-interest over a global self-interest, which it turns out, we are *really* bad at.

  6. It depends.

    There’s a difference between actual plausible conspiracies (the elites having their “fuck you, got mine” club, surveillance, false flag operations, etc) and utter fookin’ lunacy…you know the ones..

  7. There’s a restaurant in my town that I’m pretty sure is a front for money laundering or visa laundering or something illegal like that.

    They don’t do deliveries and they’re *always* empty, but they’ve been in the same location for decades. They’re across the street from my go-to bar, so I’ve maybe had too many Friday and Saturday nights of staring at the ghost of their storefront to think about it.

  8. Christianity is a psy op to control the stupid. Every conspiracy nut is always super Christian, they can never see the big lie right in front of their eyes.

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